Chapter 302 - Ashton & Hilda– A Short Love Story (2/2)

These three novice mace-wielders ith Gerish The F-Ranker that had come with the Adept was a Naboot user It was also a form of blunt weapon but with an extended reach

Ronny and his fellow Anthropes were literally getting beaten to a pulp because of the four blunt weapon users they were up against Therefore, Renar had correctly summed up the situation in one word- bad

Belar's condition washeavily His blooded hed up a lot of blood as a result of the blunt trau beat up so ive you guys a few potions to heal your injuries and boost your stamina Plus, a few potions bombs Wait for my instructions

It is crucial for all of us to use the potions boo We'll use the massive chain explosion as a diversion to escape and run towards the tower

If we take the dungeon's format into account, then the solo tower exploration will isolate one player froht?'

Understanding dawned on Renar after he understood Ronny's instructions He didn't take long to confirm:

'We would use the tower's mechanism as a way to escape from these fuckers That's all fine, Sir Ronny But I have a…'

Renar wanted to know if the diversion would be enough for the Adept not to follow them immediately afterwards But before he could voice his concern, Ronny shut hi a part hurried and part annoyed tone:

'Tch Don't ask stupid questions now Guys, prepare to receive your lot in one go We'll resu potions'

Ronny took three sets of potions out of his storage and ht in front of his three coiven to theht and bolted towards their opponents

Ronny too didn't wait anyainst He saw that Hilda was using external potions on Ashton's mortal wounds to keep hiues of lightning every now and then It indicated that foreignhavoc inside the spearman's body

'You had said that I should die peacefully before the start of the battle, right? I want to use that line against you But consider yourself lucky that I don't want to irk that old foggy anymore than I have to'

The butcher pondered this as he drew his daggers again The battles between the groups of Novices and Aces were going to resu a short pause

But nobody noticed that the set of vials the butcher had given to Belar was slightly different than his peers