Chapter 287 - Layla (2/2)

Lady Zee thought that Ronny had gotten cold after he realized that his opponent could perforuy She would probably hesitate to fight too if she were in his shoes

Then she calmed down and analyzed the situation Her prior experience told her that the dungeon would never rig a match so much that the participants would have almost zero chance of success She knew there had to be soure that out by battling with her opponent that could use elehts after fighting with the to catch my breath I'll start ht a fewthe same to continue his discussion with Layla

'Layla, please answer my question'

Ronny pleaded with Layla to hurry up and finish up whatever she had approached hiained her nonchalance by now She replied to hi that has to do with the way of the elements can only be dealt with the way of the elements A half-blood is blessed with a shortcut when it co its elements They just need to utilize the power of their blood to cast inherent spells

The inherent spells are based on the way of the eleo whether you completely understand it or not Therefore, you can say that a half-blood starts wielding their elements as soon as they break into the F-Rank

When my master had created this separate di And he would have preferred one of theraeon mechanism in such a way that the half-bloods would only receive the tests that werewith eleie for half-blood rankers'

Ronny pondered for a while before replying:

'So that eon thinks that I'h with it because ofyou, this whole thing about being a demi-human or whatever you call it is fairly new to ainst this kind of opponent The most I can do is copy the physical traits of an anthrope on a superficial level when I cast my spell and make physical contact with the I can copy and reproduce

I' you are aware of how sensitive my status as a demi-human is these days So you would understand when I say that I wouldn't use my inherent spell in front of the audience Even when I knew I could use it to defeat this guy

I don't have the habit of creating more mess in the future just to take care of the current situation'

Ronny made her position known to Layla Shortly thereafter, the latter responded in a disappointing tone

'Haash!+ The half-bloods would weep if they came to know the current standards and paranoid nature of the last kin they have left on this continent

Alright, I can make your squad members disappear from their current positions and keep them away from you till you finish your test'


AN: Thanks Daoist930799 for giving VEH its first dragon