Chapter 201: Alephee (1/2)

Chapter 202: Beast Manifestation

Alephee spoke up The gem’s voice turned feminine as soon as it decided to coht So tell me Alphee, can you help me? I don’t care if you are put to sleep if you can help me It’s not like you can be of ave Alephee a clear cut answer that would sound rude but Alephee kneas speaking the truth She sighed to herself before replying:

‘Alright I can help you with casting the coment the effect of the combo spell but it would be limited by what your body and mind can handle at the current level’

‘That is enough I’ll take care of the rest’

Eren said to Alephee as he wiped the blood clean from the corner of his mouth with his palms It was time for Eren to return the favour to Ivor for all the service he had done to hi Speed

The same spell combo had been activated for Eren but unlike before, this time it was handled by Alephee That meant Eren could now cast up to three spells si any repercussions

Eren didn’t tarry a er and executed dual-stacked Blitz Steps He felt as though he was nated world

Ivor had enjoyed beating a strong opponent like Eren But he thought it was about the tiry at him But just when he decided to deal a final blow, he found out that he was underestiht in front of the eneauy’s chin And almost succeeded

Eren’s punch was blocked by Ivor’s palm subconsciously It was his experience as a close combat expert that served hie the distance between him and his opponent This was because Alephee was on a different perception realether, thanks to Alephee’s elevation of combo spell effects

Eren’s punch was blocked by Ivor’s palm so he used the elbow of the sauy’s sternu to deal with Eren’s insane speed and reflexes with his sheer experience in close combat alone

Before Ivor’s body could react to the landed blow, Eren pulled the hand that had grabbed his first punch with his other hand He yanked it hard enough, dislocating it froh!

Blitz Storhtning element AoE so Eren would be forced to retreat noelement attacks from two rankers won’t ever be the same just because they had the same elemental affinity Every spell would carry its caster’s nature

The elenatures would bear the ranker’s mark So when the attacks would land on the opponent, the mark the spells carried would not nature would result in the ele their intended effect on their opponents even when they shared the same elemental affinity as the caster