Chapter 161: Conspiracies (2/2)

The spectral ie asked with concern Ari just puffed her cheeks before answering:

“I’m fine, no thanks to you The side effects are still there But they’ll be gone in a fewto worry about anymore Not that you seem to care anyway”

“And how did you come to know about the potion’s side effects? Because they have to be extreave the spectral shadoer to her question while pacing about in underground place:

“Yes, the side effects were going to stay hidden until the lastto erode slowly in the span of a few years before the by-then unstabilized core iuessed the side effects, can you believe it? I wonder what that tells you about your potioneering skills?”

Ari then told the apparent potioneer about the events that cae couldn’t help but conclude what it had on its ot froy in potioneering for him to detect the side effects even I couldn’t foresee That and his background of working under a C-Rank healer must have helped him

Anyway The kid is not i Marla Hehe! I’ me a lot”

“She is But that won’t stop her froo in front of her What are we even going to do about her?”

Ari asked with a hint of worry The spectral shadow see:

“Well, it’s not like I didn’t try to get her to ht But she didn’t even make an effort to do so

To be honest, even I’m clueless about hoe should deal with Marla We’ll need tolike this Plus, I haven’t had the pleasure to eood reason Hehe!”

“Oh? Now you need a reason to spend time with me? Wow!

I should just spank your ass the next time we meet Unlike you, I don’t need a reason to do that, you see”

Ari let go of her sword’s hilt and folded her hands under her bosoer had faded into nothingness at this point What she was displaying right noas only a tantruh before voicing its next concern:

“It see to worry about if you are this dandy about our next rendezvous I’ll gladly offer my plush ass for you to spank, hehe

And don’t worry, Mon Cheri We’ll have our revenge on the Beast Bloods We were planning to run frodom anyway I’ll just fuk with the cultists too if that’s how they want to play it

But not right now They still have so I want So listen to me one s strictly professional I’ll tell you about my plans later on when the next time I contact you

That’s it for now, Mon Cheri Take care and see you soon”

Said the spectral before disappearing soon after Ari sighed after seeing the shadow of the person she loved disappearing on her without even giving her a chance to say goodbye Fros, it didn’t look like she was experiencing this frustration for the first ti-distance relationshi+ps were hard Ari could attest to that She left soon after that and the underground area was engulfed by darkness

Eren didn’t know that he had changed the fate of a lot of people along with the city of Silvermoon by his violent actions

And it’s not like the butcher would have cared even if he did!


AN: Just in case one doesn’t know Mon Cheri is an endearing term in French, which means “my dear”