Chapter 109: [Bonus Chapter] Extracting Memories (2/2)

Steve’s new spell needed hi mana with the help of auditoryThanks to the berserker class, it would not hinder his battle perfore of spell to Steve a few days ago when he had consulted the latter about his incompatibility with his previously practised spell The spell Steve was practising now, na mana in his vocal cords


“Stop, stop, stop! Steve, I think you need to practise your control over i mana in your vocal cords Your output is not standardized so it is s difficult for you Maybe you should stop the spell practise and get back to the basics

Soh You also need exceptional expertise in casting theo-to tool in your arsenal Practise your basics as I’ve told you”

Eren seemed the sole boss of his entire tea his teauide them in various fields Steve was just another of his pet projects to raise an exceptional berserker that he couldn’t become in his previous life

But it was not like he didn’t have proble like a shy little girl?”

Renita pestered hiain The butcher had a hard ti this little lady

First, her battle style didn’t have many flaws And second, her er class which he didn’t know uidance

Without that guidance acting as leverage, Eren couldn’t tast her peers of the sae She tried to bait hiht Alas, Eren wasn’t to be underesti me like a little kid or acalled a shy girl is insulting to irls They are”

“Eren, e Otherwise, these girls will see you as a pedo”

The butcher wanted to continue but was interrupted by Jake with an aard smile on his face

‘This little vixen had set a trap within a trap forabout the bait wasn’t enough sometimes You needed to coe it coirls Why don’t we have a duel then? And I promise this news stays with our team Otherwise, who knows? News on the campus travels fast and travels wide, you know”

Eren didn’t knohether to suys knew he had been sleeping oe, ould they think about him?

But suddenly he was reminded of the Recluse Rpist incident from his past life and his expressions turned cold Because even that incident was focused on tarnishi+ng his i fun of him to have her way, the hich she chose to do it irked hiest that you keep your silly pranks to yourself, little lady You wanted a duel, right? You’ll get one But that won’t be because you baited uide you Pay up now or co the amount to have your wish fulfilled

Now tellto pay that aht now!”

The scrooge made use of his newly introduced way to earn Merps to pressurize Renita Only he was supposed to uns Not the other way around