Chapter 25: Post-Nut Clarity P2 (2/2)

What she didn’t knoas that Eren had already experienced what he could frohtly tell her that Eren could only accept Nina’s decision for now

Eren needed to flirt his way to Nina’s heart and into her pants if he wanted to have another chance He had already startedplans for the future

Eren finally s s a kiss on her little admirer She understood that he was crazy about her and her saying no ht break his heart a little no matter how carefully she told him about the intentions behind it But she knew she had to do it if she ever wants to have peace of ain coed to be content hatever he achieved so far He had already stopped Nina fro not-okay with their intiht of it at least Now he just needed to close the gap between them slowly, each flirtatious reaction at a tiht away:

“That’s all fine, aunt Nina But why do I smell fish even e don’t have any in the kitchen today?”

Eren acted as if he was sent fishy sotten about her releasing discharge in her clothes and noasits presence known

It took a while before Nina realized that she needed to clean up and change clothes She again pinched Eren’s ar towards her bedroom to freshen up

Eren acted blank till Nina retired into her roo a seat on the same sofa He folded his hands, scratched his now-beardless chin and thought about many flirt ed to keep his interactions normalized with Nina even after the incident of intiins of the afternoon’s fishy se the subject many times In the end, she just hypothesized that the winds must have carried that sht the sh she had heard that inal smell after they become sexually active, he was still a kid He had not experienced anything like that So ad she illing to do But Eren’s next words made her cheeks paint in red:

“That aroh I suddenly want to have some fish food”

The next day, Eren and Nina started the day as usual Then they got busy with ned eleainto stockpile them now and would use theoing to wait toan interruption to arrive today that’ll last for days to coet discovered sooner or later

And the interruption indeed arrived at their doorsteps!