69 69 Gabriel and Kazuki (1/2)

Gabriel chuckled, ”Come home both of you or should say all four of you?” Gabriel looked at Suzuka's stomach smiling. He saw a girl that was roughly four years of age. He kneeled down and looked into her eyes. ”Hello.”

”Hi...” She hides behind Suzuka and peeks out at Gabriel.

”It is okay Mayumi. This man is our family. This is Uncle Gabriel.” Suzuka smiles and tries to urge Mayumi to come out.

Gabriel smiles and looks at the little girl. ”Mayumi, that is a very sweet name. Come to Uncle when you are ready. I am sure that Grandmother and Grandfather will be excited to meet you as well.”

”Are Mother and Father well? I worry about them and is that old man doing well as well?” Kazuki looks at Gabriel asking the questions.

”Will you come back if I said that I need you? Mother and Father are doing well. Mother still teaches tea ceremony and ikebana. Father is now in charge of the hospital. Grandfather is no longer among the living. Come home Kazuki.” Gabriel starts to cry and looks at the ground. ”I really need help. I can't do this alone anymore.”

Kazuki looks at Gabriel and sighs. ”We will come back with you. I want to come back and kick the old man. Why are you so desperate to have me come back?”

”I want to finish my schooling and be able to spend some time with my partner.” Gabriel looked away and looked out the window. ”I want to head back home as soon as possible. We are planning on leaving tonight.”

”Kosuke is with you? That guy was always good to you and me. I am glad that he is still there.” He watches Gabriel and notices that something is off with him. ”Gabriel…” He got up and touched his forehead. He rushed to his bag and grabbed the fever powder and poured it into Gabriel's mouth. ”So help me god, if you spit this out I will slap you. What were you thinking, going out with this bad of a fever?”

Gabriel opened his mouth and swallowed the medicine. ”How did you know? I hid it all day. You were the first to notice.”

”Gabriel, you are not well enough to travel back home. We will leave in the morning.” Kazuki gets up and tries to walk away.

”No, I am going home as planned. I will sleep the whole trip home. I refuse to delay my return. I will take as much medicine you want me to but let me go home. Please?” Gabriel looked at him with pure determination.

”Fine! We will leave tonight but you will take my medicine every single time I tell you to.” Kazuki glares at Gabriel and begins to pack up a few things.

Mayumi ran to her room and came out carrying a bunny. She ran to Gabriel and placed the bunny in his lap and looked at him with her big round eyes. ”Uncle is in painful?”

”Mayumi, thank you for sharing but I do not want you to get my cold so it would be best if you stay away.” Gabriel pets the bunny before it hops away.