Chapter 563: Three Holy Lands, I’ll Come to You! (1/2)
Chapter 563: Three Holy Lands, I’ll Coa
Ning Wu Qing's coe, and he took two steps back Even his hands and feet were slightly tre He had already seen Half-bodied's miserable condition So, how could he even think of experiencing it himself?
This hen he suddenly heard so! Discard your sword!”
Ning Wu Qing was startled to hear this So, he lowered his head to look And, he instantly lost his nerves He let go off his longsithout round Then, he saw that a black ed on the pointed end of his sword This flaradually extended to the entire sword…
He had used this sword to cut off Half-bodied's aro Therefore, the pointed end had coly, the entire sword had caught fire as a result! The most terrible fact was that this black flaht, and no heat Moreover, it could burn metal, but the individuals present nearby… wouldn't even co's complexion turned as white as paper The fear of this close-call was still lingering on his heart… [This flame would've burnt my entire hand if I had continued to hold ht of the devastation that had befallen Half-bodied And, he couldn't help but trean to shi+ver He watched the black fire as it slowly and gradually engulfed his sword on ground Ning Wu Qing felt terrible… as if a knife was being twisted through his heart!
[This was my favorite weapon!]
Then, he looked at Half-bodied again, and saw that the black-flaain! In fact, the flame had burned his lower abdomen away by now… Only half of his skull and half the chest re But, he was still breathing He had survived for such a long tith fro the fla now In fact, it sees the horrible torments of hell
Half-bodied eventually died
However, he died without even leaving a single speck of ash behind He didn't even get a chance to turn into smoke since he had been burnt by the dreadful Flame of Primal Chaos Instead, his body had disappeared into thin air…
He was expert who possessed the strength of above the Great Master Level But, he wasn't even granted the tinature moves He had only been able to brandish his sleeve towards his opponent But, he hadn't even gotten the chance to hit the enemy Instead, a black mysterious fire had risen out of nowhere, and it had burned him while he was still alive!
His mind had re until he had died He had clearly felt his own body getting roasted till death while it had slowly faded away… He had dreaded and despaired His coues had stood nearby and stared at him in helplessness However, no one had come up to help hiradually turned into ashes…
The seeround These were the left overs of the fla sparks had continued to burn-on even though they had already eaten thought Ning Wu Qing's sword had Half-bodied's body And, that was because they had started to burn the ground now… In fact, the black fla without a halt Suddenly, the black-robed man waved his hand and the black-flame rose into the sky Then, it landed into the ness
Nothing but blank spaces reround now No reround…
That blank space was too horrible to look at But, no one dared to say anything All of them were stationary and du Hong breathed a long sigh after a long silence Suddenly, he felt an itch on his forehead So, he stretched his hand to touch it However, he couldn't cootten studded with sweat He felt a strange chill in his garments as the cold wind blew past And, he suddenly felt as if cold water had been poured into his clothes…
[Half-bodied was nearly as strong as ht be a little better, but there wasn't ths However, he was tortured to death by the eneure how this s can often see to the individual who is involved in the fray But, the on-lookers can usually get a clear picture of the situation at hand And, there are le person was able to detect the mystery behind this black-robed ets me like this?]
[The answer is a very certain 'no'!]
[Thisany aments is unnecessary!]
Then, he looked at the other people on his side Everybody see straight, their faces were stiff, and drops of sere streast these individuals hadn't run ast them hadn't athered here in one teaed to scare everyone to such an extent…
This clearly indicated one thing — this black-robed th was undoubtedly sinister and abnor else to say? Is there anything else you'd like to discuss?” Jun Mo Xie folded his hands behind his back, and gazed at Zi Jing Hong as he asked this question
The black-robed an to turn unstable at this happened It seery It see to take birth on an ocean… the waves were ready to soar into the sky…