Chapter 523: Tit for Tat; Measure for Measure (1/2)

Chapter 523: tit for Tat; Measure for Measure

Translator: Novel Saga Editor: Novel Saga

Mei Xue Yan had realized that iton this subject However, she still carried-on with a tranquil expression on her face, ”Ma Jiang Ming's appearance was certainly strange But, what he did for a living was even more unique and distinct He used to scream 'The Golden Gun won't fall' every day In fact, he had to yell these words till his throat went hoarse with it He-hirace from his past However, some people would mention these words in front of him once he became famous He disliked those who uttered these words on his face After all, he considered it as a provocation Anyouldn't he die froe if he considered it as north to kill such people”

”Big Sister, you?” Guan Qing Han and Green Hunter flushed with anger In fact, they could barely hide their displeasure at this However, Dugu Xiao Yi opened with her big and round eyes, and asked with curiosity, ”The Golden Gun won't fall? What does thatabout so tall and upright? Why didn't he like his old job? What's the real story?”

Mei Xue Yan tried to force a su Xiao Yi's nose and spoke, ”Oh God! You're such a tiny girl Youif you stopped talking for a while You must not tell this to an outsider… but… but… the medicines which he used to sell had the sa a hundred pounds' you had once an to blush froirl had seen the effect of the 'hang a hundred pounds' medicine Moreover, she had also learnt a little about the affairs between ht about However, she was lucky since everyone present in the immediate vicinity was a friend She flushed with embarrassment as a result But, she was unable to restrain herself froirl had believed herself to be secretive However, everyone had noticed this little action of hers And, they couldn't help but laugh However, there existed another person apart frolance at Jun Mo Xie… It was Miss Guan Qing Han

She had observed that Jun Mo Xie had looked towards her with a 'savoring the aftertaste' look in his eyes as soon as he had heard these words Wouldn't it be obvious as to what he was thinking about? He had certainly made an effort to stay cal up In fact, his cheeks had unexpectedly turned a shade of ver happened to meet a person in the brothel one day Coincidentally, this man was an extremely unusual individual as well However, an even more bizarre incident took place as soon as thatto be an extre innate skill in only one glance And, he decided to accept Ma Jiang Ming as his disciple in that very an to follow his teacher And, his teacher had extreh on his teacher's expectations, andand Ning Wu Qing gradually grew in strength, and joined the ranks of the other Great Masters of their era And, they soon reached the peak levels of strength Later on, Ning Wu Qing went to the Elusive Land of I went to the Great Golden City But, who could've thought that ould've seen him here?”

Then, Mei Xue Yan slowly spoke to warn everyone; in fact, there was a faint trace of caution in the depths of her pupils, ”This Ma Jiang Ming is an extremely temperamental person He has different moods at different times, and none of his ood and tolerable towards others at one hour But, he ht kill anyone in the next hour In fact, he would do that without giving any warning signs Moreover, he oftento do with him He only relies on his own likes and dislikes Therefore, it is better that you maintain a decent distance from him He often moves his hands to kill people in an instant Take me seriously Even I won't be able to save you from him in ti about a sinister plot at play?” Jun Mo Xie asked abruptly

”Why do you say so?” Mei Xue Yan gave hie look

”His master was a customer at a brothel In fact, he was a coreat expert of his era However, he had still found it important to visit a brothel Don't these aspects hint at a sinister cultivation method at play?” Jun Mo Xie continued in a ' his then- a brothel at that ti since he would've presuht've possessed this innate skill as well”

”It would be wrong to take this for granted It's indeed true that this Ma Jiang Ming has had a bad reputation in the past He had done nearly all kinds of eration to say that there's no evil act he hasn't done However, this man doesn't seem to have committed that sinful practice of cultivation And, that's because… Firstly, he has never borne affectionate feelings towards anyone; nor has he had any entanglements of love Secondly, he has never married a woman”

Mei Xue Yan shook her head, and overruled Jun Mo Xie's theory However, his arguet to the bottom of the matter; [How did it come about? After all, this can't be possible without any reason! Did theas a disciple because they were practicing sinister methods of cultivation? Is that the justification for it?]

”There must be a reason for it,” Jun Mo Xie pondered over it Suddenly, a grotesque sar It seehts to run wild

”What are you s about?” the baffled Mei Xue Yan asked abruptly; all the women turned to look at Jun Mo Xie in unison

”I was just thinking about what you told e technique However, it is possible that his master wasn't able to see ht've pushed hi his ways to do the exact opposite And, that man must've turned in the reverse direction for his cultivation as a result, ”Jun Mo Xie spoke with a sinister s possesses some special characteristics And, these special characteristics ht be considered as defects by others But, there's a chance that these characteristics fulfill the unique requireht'vea rare kind of an individual in his e behavior?”

Jun Mo Xie had suddenly and unfathoe martial arts from his previous life — The Precious Sunflower Technique He had spoken this out loud because of this sudden recollection However, even Jun Mo Xie hadn't realized that he had stuht!

[I will have to be doubly careful in case I happen to cross paths with hiht to himself

”Where does that kind of a technique exist? How could Ma Jiang Ming be that lucky even if such a technique did exist? This is a coination!” Guan Qing Han, Dugu Xiao Yi, and Snake King looked at him as they rebuked Their faces had turned red However, Mei Xue Yan didn't act out like the other three nagging women Instead, she wrinkled her eyebrows In fact, it see Ming had already arrived in the hall below He then exclai? You're also here? Long ti's lean face as he replied with an insipid look, ”Look who came from the Great Golden City — it's this old freak!”