Chapter 124 – The Formidable Practice of Habit (1/2)
Chapter 124 – The Forular release)
Jun Wu Yi worked around the clock over the next few days to finish Jun Mo Xie’s task, andthe h the metal was only to be casted into a very small knife, but since Jun Mo Xie required the knife’s balance to be very precise, since he intended to use for personal tasks, the task became quite arduous
Jun Mo Xie participated in the task, same as his uncle, but didn’t seem very exhausted at the end of it, while Jun Wu Yi was so exhausted that his thighs had swollen froh he was a very strong and burly man…
“Mo Xie, I wonder why I’ve never seen you practicing your skills?” Jun Wu Yi was quite surprised This arduous task, which had been dauntingly difficult for the Sky Xuan expert, had seely been a child’s play for his nephew On top of that, Jun Wu Yi had never seen his nephew practice his Xuan Qi, which was onlyhim more curious
“Practice?” Jun Mo Xie looked at him in surprise: “Uncle, I practice all the time ah, how have you not noticed it yet?”
“Uh?” Jun Wu Yi couldn’t help but stare at him idened eyes in astonishment
“Uncle, do you really believe that only controlling your breathing while sitting cross-leggedyour Xuan Qi is the only way of ‘so-called’ practicing?” Jun Mo Xie’s tone was clearly expressing his amazement: “I think that we can practice our skills at all ti standing or running and even e aren’t doing anything at all! Even while we are sleeping, we can still practice in our dreams!”
“One day has twenty hours, and I don’t even waste a singleto each other at thisme when I practice, shouldn’t you ask when I don’t practice?!” Jun Mo Xie smiled
“Even now?” Jun Wu Yi’s eyes widened further
“When walking we can practice our balance, and hone our senses of vigilance on our feet We can also to exercise our hearing ability and our eyes, and our body’s sensitivity to our surroundings As long as you are determined, you can practice all the time”
Jun Mo Xie see, it is important for your mind to be active, and you can te a frustrating task It’s important to practice such skills to the point where they start happening autoht be unable to use your skills properly at a critical juncture, which is why I practice all the tih Jun Mo Xieat him, and it seemed as if they would pop out of their sockets
“If I interpreted your words correctly… then you intend to say that when you’re dodging an inco to move aside wholeheartedly and your asped: “Isn’t that impossible?”
“How’s it impossible to tune your mind to that?” Jun Mo Xie sounded helpless: “All you need to do is melt your skills into your instincts, and make such actions a habit of your nature; if you can do that, then you need not think, or even intend to carry out an action… Won’t it just happen by itself in this case?”
Jun Wu Yi was du: his own nepheas a freak of nature! When a normal man like Jun Wu Yi is confronted with a freak like his nephew, being uncomfortable and confused is only a natural human reaction
Such kinds of bizarre practice methods could drive a personsuchXuan Qi be this easy?
“There’s no need to deliberate while carrying out an action if it’s , we can look out for the things that lay ahead of us and eon, and while we talk, we can still use our nose to identify the sh the forest with soinstinctively!”
Jun Mo Xie smiled leisurely: “If practice can be done in this manner also, then why shouldn’t we do it? Just because you can’t focus your entire attention on your practice doesn’t ht seeet used to it over time And when that time comes, these actions will become your habit and as time will pass, they will be molded into your instincts and eventually you’ll even stop noticing the difference between actions and instinctive reactions”
“It’s really that simple” Jun Mo Xie smiled