Chapter 873 - 873 87 (1/2)

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”GRRRRR!!!” the beast did not waste its time on saying anything else though i doubted that with the changes of his physiology that he could still afford to speak the human tongue.

The animal launched itself on the air to take a bite at my throat and its fangs were dangerously sharp which would take no effort to slice an ordinary human up into a sorry mess.

Sadly, the mutt has chosen to go against someone not of his own level and i was totally not one to take care of this kind of mongrel.

”BANG!” a not so gentle hand caught the wolf by the neck and the huge puppy stayed in an elevated position in front of the much diminutive size of my bitch.

”Dispose of it.” i commanded to my beautiful cunt and took a seat once more to gaze at the stunned faces of my classmates.

”CRACK!” all bones of my newly met teacher disintegrated and the wet canine was thrown aside like a used forgotten toy towards the seat that he had previously occupied.

Though the useless animal looked dead to the rest of the students but i knew that the truth was far from what it appeared to be.

”Faith, what did i t...” i started to say but my lips were tightly fastened up by a pair of soft wet objects, keeping the rest of my words unspoken.

Some tongue may have been used and i was not a pussy to delimit the wishes of my beloved bitch.

”What were you going to say, husband?” Faith whispered gently on my ears while she was now on top of my seated form with her body entirely pasted upon my own.

What man would continue to admonish a lovely creation such as her in this very moment? Definitely not i.

”Go back to your seat, Faith.” was my only words as i counted the seconds off in my mind. Well, i may have also used the time to take notice of any prospective prize in this school.

After all, a king should announce his grand entrance with a bang and a fresh conquest would be a beginning worth a million exclamations.

* * *

Ten breaths into the wait, someone finally arrived to get the trampled dog out of the classroom.

They were stiff and walked in measured steps. At one glance, it was not hard for me to determine that these were soulless bastards.

The crew of five came and went without any repercussions on my part which shocked my classmates even further.

When the tin cans left, the silence was broken once more as the stupid fucks whispered amongst themselves.

”Who is that boy?”

”I don't know, man. Teacher Salem is a level 3 evolver already. And he was killed just like that! The better question would be, who is that girl?”

”He's not dead.”


”Our teach is not dead yet.”

”That can't be! I witnessed him b...” I perceived them communicating with their voices and voiceless smart gadgets.