Chapter 864 - 864 78 (1/2)
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After a few breaths of continued failure, the cunt fast forwarded the domain around her and had worn again the rotten appearance of an aged crone.
It did not stop there as it went further still, until she was mere bones and skin. A mummified existence that was only seen in the horrors of the plague.
She did not touch the natural balance of things but only focused near her surroundings, specifically on the proximity of her own body.
Off she went further and further away while continuously battling an unseen enemy.
I merely smiled through it all and waited for time to heal me. Though i was still immovable but as the seconds went by, her hold on me began to loosen up.
And a few breaths later, i finally regained the use of my faculties.
”Time to end this.” i concluded and raised my left hand up.
”Soul Corruption.”
* * *
”BOOM!” a whistling sound resonated near and within a mere breath, a long horizontal object rushed towards me. Only to stop mere inches from my body.
I held the thing up and marveled at the strange runes that ran along its length. Truly a rare craft, i concluded.
”Come.” i whispered into the dark night around me.
”BANG!” another deafening sound greeted my ears and immediately after, i finally witnessed the prize that has always been with me ever since she arrived and made me bleed.
”How are you doing this?” the pitiful old creature asked. There were tears in her eyes. And more than that, blood oozed out from her sorry form as it evaporated ceaselessly even as we speak.
Still, i admired her. For even now surrender never appeared in her mind. The bitch kept on fighting as she gave everything she ever possessed. Even at the expense of her own body and soul.
The withered grandma was certainly an image worthy of note as one of the ghastliest scenes I've ever witnessed in my long life.
”Don't you remember this?” i smiled and lent her the weapon in my hands.
She tried to grab it with her broken hands and failed a couple of times before successfully touching her old companion. But alas, even the memory of it was slowly receding from her mind.
This was because of the mystery of my technique, Soul Corruption. Anything that grazed my body would be under my bidding.
Even a simple item that can connect to its owner would not be saved by the influence of my power.
This was one of the three mightiest abilities under my possession and I was glad that it did not fail to give me a positive result.
I could have taken her the moment she decapitated me but prudence had always taken control of my insanity first and foremost.
I had to determine if she was of value to my own before i reveal some of my cards to the multitudes of prying eyes around me. I smiled and congratulated myself for a good find indeed.
Time Manipulation would be a great addition to my ever growing arsenal. The options from now on was certainly not limited to this catch.
”Rise and be reborn!” i said in a loud voice.