Chapter 857 - 857 71 (1/2)
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Around were twirling yellow gates that hindered my motion. It even willed to drain me of my power. Very innovative!
”Are you okay, darling?” i saw a woman emerged beneath me. She was now hugging the liquefied form of the man as it hastily connected his scrambled parts once more.
”I'm okay, Teresa.” the man replied.
”I told you we shouldn't have done that! I'm sorry i hurt you.” the woman was crying passionately as she talked and it did not fail to put a smile unto my lips. What an amusing couple.
”You have no fault of your own.” the man calmed the emotional woman and then looked upwards and into my eyes.
”Is he dead yet?” the man added.
”He's going to be dead soon, darling.” said Teresa with a proud look on her face. Particularly akin to kitten wanting to be cuddled and praised.
”A mind drugged fool. An ingenious move indeed.” i said to the pair.
”What are you saying you wicked evil man?! Just stay there and die already! My husband will take me shopping later and we'd eat dinner together and...” the woman rambled on and on and i let her.
As always, innocent souls were always fun to watch. There were few of them left and it reminded me of own sisters in the past.
Time to end this farce and meet them all once again.
”BOOM!” The collective gates that barred my body scattered into the winds. What was retained of them a breath later was the shower of yellowish rain unto the infertile lands of winter down below.
”Kill him for me, Teresa!” the man ordered and quickly fled off with his wingless transport. Only the red smokes were left behind his trails and within a few seconds, the man had escaped once more.
This was of no consequence of course. That man was as good as dead in my eyes. I had something more interesting to toy with right now. At least for a brief breath of time.
”Soul Creation Realm. How much time did it take you to get to that stage, woman?” i uttered these words as i slowly descended on an imaginary stairway from the horizon.
”Why should I talk to a bad guy like you?! Hmmmp... 11,843 years! Aren't i great?! Husband always tells me how good and pretty i am!”
Teresa answered with a cute smile of her face. She took the guise of the initial ascenders like my acquaintance Margareth and there was not a hint technological boons within her veins.
This was a true cultivator in flesh and blood.
”Are you happy with your life, Teresa?” i asked again once i leveled smoothly on the cold grounds. I gazed directly into her eyes and saw nothing but purity within them.
Thus, i took my time and exchanged a few words with this pitiful soul. It was the least i could do for someone of who had been used from the onset of their existence like this creation named Teresa.