Chapter 851 - 851 65 (1/2)
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”Young Master!” Noemi bowed low and behind her, a person also took the exact reflection of obeisance.
Though i gathered the old goat was just forced by my will that intruded upon his person, but i cared not for such triviality.
”Come with me or stay. The choice is in your hands.” I directed the words not only at my father's confidante but also to my recent conquest, Noemi Killoran.
”Take me with you, young master!” my cunt replied as per my expectations.
”Forgive me but i have to disappoint your favor, Your Excellency.” the well spoken words of a seasoned goat indeed.
”Go.” I waved a hand out and released Nicholas from my influence. What need do i have for such weaklings?
When i fully assimilate myself into this reality, then flocks of gods and immortals would seem cabbages and carrots in my front.
A mere Core Formation Peak Stage like him was an expendable commodity at best.
”Please excuse me, Your Excellency.”
”CREAK!” the door shut and there were only three souls left in the chambers. Myself, Noemi, and the one who has yet to speak, Tamara.
The woman caged herself within her own world and cast away everything else but her sense of defeat. And ultimately, her loss.
”Tamara.” i called towards the bitch.
”AHHHHHHHHH!” more like dragged her out by hand if i was to be honest about it. Her screams echoed loudly but i was deaf to her sufferings. Do my bidding or get crushed while rejecting it.
Such a worthy maxim i live by.
”Why...” one word from a fragmented heart. Her tears were flowing again akin to the raging floods of nature's outbreak. I understood her pain completely.
For not only women do this but also of men who found no further meaning to life. At least, not anymore. With no hope or faith, everything shatters.
”I come to offer you a choice, Tamara.” i started and looked not on the grieving woman. My vision was totally focused on the dimming sun in the horizon. What lovely color it was.
”You can stay and be the plaything of Neon.”
”Or be my woman and enjoy a life of grandeur.” Two simple paths. Yet i knew even as i said the words that either one was unlikely to be chosen.
”Kill... me... please...” her words rang softly in the scene. Though it was less of a whisper than anything vaguely intelligible but i heard it all the same.
”Don't you want to live? Perhaps even one day, take your revenge upon your nemesis.” I asked but got ignored.
”Look at me, Tamara!” our eyes kissed. She wanted to close the gates to her soul but how could i let her do that. Thus, she saw what i wanted her to see. My life for eons. Of dominion and slaughter.
Of victory and subjugation. In a breath of time, she'd seen it all.