Chapter 835 - 835 Forty Nine (1/2)

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”Don't move and try to relax. The condition will pass in a minute.” The same voice said once more. It was the voice of a bitch but I knew that she was not alone in whatever hell we were in at the moment.

I may have been unable to see yet but I could smell just fine. There were a mix of odors in this place. It was a pen of squalor and shit to be exact.

My eyelids began to separate until bright lights welcomed my vision. The sudden illumination burned my lenses and I had to close my eyes again to readjust from the changes outside.

”So how was your sleep, little princess?” a new voice added to the cunt. I finally adapted to the situation and looked at a big man on my right while directly before myself was a very beautiful woman.

The fact the she was dressed with only her flimsy underwear on made the scene intensely surreal. I roamed my eyes around the room and saw an exact number of population of the opposite sex.

5 men and 5 women.

Most didn't bother to look at me as they stayed immovable with eyes closed in meditation. Some laid down as if asleep and others sat in a lotus position.

And what scattered uniformly in the circular room was ten vertical capsules which mirrored the same thing that currently encased my body.

”Where am i?” I asked while still trapped inside this caged pod.

”That's the question, isn't it?” the big man answered sarcastically, same as the last. I was about to give a smart retort when something clicked in my brain that halted my response completely.

I watched each faces of the men and women again and quickly realized an obvious truth about them all. And perhaps this was also true in my own.

”An observant one. Just like the rest of us.” The big man said once more after he saw my reaction.

”Stop with the riddles, Garion. He's on the same boat as us. No need to be so offensive for no reason.” The woman who greeted me first came to my rescue. What a delightful woman.

If not for the four precise copies of her face and body measurements around us, then I might have concluded her inimitable in whatever hole this was.

”Were you all given cheats from out of the blue also?” I threw a probing bone out.

”Very bright indeed. Don't go hysterical or do some martial arts shenanigans, okay? Trust me. You have no power in here.”

The big man evaded my question again and pushed a button on the upright casket that held me.

”CREAK!” the shell that surrounded me released its latch onto my body and I stepped out to breathe in the same manufactured air as before. But what surprised me was how hot it was it here.

It was probably 50 degrees Celsius or more, judging from how hot everything seemed to be. So that was why most of them chose to wear almost nothing inside.

”There's water up front. Just go near that wall and the signs will appear for you to follow. You have a brain. Use it.” The big man said sardonically.

”Don't mind, Garion. He's always been like this ever since I knew him. And before you ask, no… you won't die in here.

The wardens or whoever is running this place up wouldn't allow that. They're just…” the bitch started.