Chapter 782: Surprise Visit (1/2)

”Hmmm... I need to improvise.” Our bored gamer said when the pills were almost ready. The usual process at this step was to put the pill on a special container that was spherical in shape.

There it would become solidified with ease. This procedure usually took a few minutes to finish.

But with the One Hundred and One Secrets of Alchemy that became the cheat code of our very own protagonist in this realm, he has a much better approach than the majority of his peers.

”DING!” Clark took a long wooden instrument with a pointed tip. He was the one who made the thing and so he knew how to use it to his greatest benefit.



”TAP!” Before long, our good gamer's hands became busy. He would use this sharpened makeshift spear to mix and segregate the ingredients on the cauldron.

If a pill master was here, he would definitely notice how this small trick was enough to make a perfect pill in motion. But the difficulty of this task was absolutely unreal.

One should know that Clark was cooking not one pill but one hundred fifty Skin Cleansing Pills all at the same time. Just a single misstep and he would lose them all in consequence.

But how could our good gamer make such a newbie mistake?



”DING!” One by one, the pills jumped from the cauldron and unto the table nearby.

No spherical containers were needed since they were already hard and ready to eat with the superb mixing technique that our bored gamer had shown in the making of these pills.

”All done!” Clark announced happily. From start to finish, he only took a little less than one hour in completing his quest.

Ye Ming would have easily worked for at least 12 hours to copy this feat. But our bored gamer was of course different from the original owner of this body.

”Now I've got to think of a hobby to keep me excited in my free time.” Our good gamer sighed.

”Or maybe not.” Clark shook his head to deny this impulsiveness. He would most likely shine too bright outside and that would only bring unwanted attention to himself.

Thus, it was better to be careful as always.

”Brother Ye Ming! Are you here?” A loud voice shouted from outside. The rich disciples had maidservants but alas, Ye Ming could not afford to hire such a luxurious perk inside the sect.

Since Clark has already finished his work, he has time to waste in talking with strangers. He wiped the sweat on his face and went out to meet his guest.

'Geng Ju?' Our bored gamer said inside when he finally saw who came to visit him.

”So the news is really true. You came back. I'm so happy to see you again, Brother Ye Ming.” Geng Ju lied with a straight face.

If he could, he would have murdered our very own protagonist himself.