Chapter 703: Suicide Mission (1/2)

”Summon all the disciples to the arena.” Sect Master Ren Zemin sent her command via spiritual sense unto a particular elder of the Profound Delight Sect.

It has been one day since she last talked with our very own protagonist and she was now doing what was asked of her.

The Sect Master would have wanted to come in this journey with our bored gamer but alas, she was denied this honor.

A sect master's job was to hold the fort inside the sect and not wander about to parts unknown. At least this was Clark's opinion on the matter.

”I understand, Sect Master.” The sect elder replied after a brief pause. This elder was of course none other than Elder Tang Kong.

She remembered that something like this happened a few months prior and so she has fears that the same tragedy would befall upon the disciples of the sect.

In the end, Elder Tang Kong could only bite her lips and swallow the protest down her throat.

* * *

No more than an hour had passed and the sect arena was filled with more than 200,000 souls inside.

But contrary to the usual vigor in cultivators, there was a sense of doom in all the disciples' faces at this time.

”Are they going to send us to our deaths again?!”

”Does this mean that those 10,000 lives are not enough to fuel their war and greed?!”

”FUCK THEM! They would have to drag me in chains before i will go in this suicide quest!”




Some of the disciples could not bear but show their true feelings right now.

One should know that when the sect inquired about the well being of those 10,000 disciples, all they got as a reply were the words...

”They fought bravely and died as heroes for the cause of justice!”

This was nothing short of a joke unto these disciples. Thus, the majority of them had ill feelings about this so-called war against evil.

A few minutes more and one of the major characters of this plot joined the scene.

Same as the last time, she appeared to be walking in the sky and slowly stepped down onto invisible stairs that only she could see.

It did not take her long to stand before the disciples of the Profound Delight Sect.

”Your disciples greet you, Sect Master!”

”Your disciples greet you, Sect Master!”

”Your disciples greet you, Sect Master!”




A booming chorus of 200,000 voices arrived thereafter. The familiar looks of lust, adoration, and awe that these disciples used to wear was gone for the moment.

What replaced it were the obvious glances of trepidation and dismay. This was of course not lost in the sharp senses of Sect Master Ren Zemin.

This was the reason why she decided not to make this affair long.

”I know that you are discouraged by what has befallen unto your friends and family.” The beautiful Ren Zemin started without ado.