Chapter 649: Kiara (1/2)

”RUN KIARA!” Alexander rushed forward and brandished his sword in 1 quick motion.

Unfortunately for him, there were more than 10 knights that protected the Young Lord in his front.

”DING!” The closest knight parried the fatal strike and kicked Alexander hard to the chest.

”THUD!” The 20 year old boy ate dust and earth in his fall. The guard knight would have beheaded Alexander on the spot but then Young Lord Duncan has another idea in mind.

”Don't kill him. Tie him up and we shall let him witness how we please his girl for him.” The Young Lord grinned like a devil.

”Please don't hurt Alexander, my Lord!”

”I will do anything you ask of me.” Kiara kneeled in place as she sobbed softly at her fate. This medieval era of kingdoms, nobles, knights and peasants was not a good time to exist.

She would have wanted to live freely and be with her beloved but she knew that such a dream was lost today.

”Really? Then I want you to suck my cock for me.” Young Lord Duncan complied with the request.

”Yes, my Lord.” Kiara replied softly and crawled towards the seated man on the rock. Her inexperienced hands nervously explored the breeches of the noble thereafter.

”NOOOOOOOO!” Alexander screamed as if he was experiencing the death of a thousand cuts but this was very apt indeed to explain his current pain and hysteria.

It was also at this time at the brink of lunacy and helplessness, that he heard something very strange.


”Congratulations, Alexander. You have been given one chance to grant the dearest wish in your heart at this moment.”

”Your lover Kiara will be saved but at the expense of your own life.”

”Do you wish to accept this trade? This opportunity will expire in 5 seconds.” A woman's voice resounded in his ears.

”Who are you?!” Alexander roared in question. Sadly, the woman did not answer this question. She was instead busy counting off the seconds.





”YES! I agree! Take my life! Save Kiara!” In the end, Alexander could only trust this voice in his head. Anyone who was in his place would have taken this offer in heartbeat.

Luckily for him, he gave his answer before the last second had expired. After that, Alexander also took his final breath.

Unbeknownst to Kiara, her boyfriend had also returned the favor in return.

”DING!” It was at this time when our bored arrived in this fresh realm.

He assimilated all the 20 year existence of Alexander as his own and this life was indeed too short for a lofty immortal like himself.

”At least you gave him a choice, partner. Some people rarely even get this chance.” Clark muttered at how the exchange took place.

Normally, the heavenly clay brick would just easily murder them in myriad funny ways but not this time. Our good gamer approved of his partner's method today.