Chapter 514: Honeymoon (1/2)
Little giggles were heard and even the old priest in the center was slightly taken aback with the astonishing words spoken by the bride.
The man in question kept his cool and his smile even grew broader akin to a lion on the brink of devouring its prey. The bride to be could not help but give some credit to Paulo for that at least.
Taking this short interlude of mixed shock and laughter, Natalia continued.
”Paulo... My husband to be. Although you are the most incorrigible person i know...” and then the soft laughter that was abruptly paused in the beginning had truly begun to make some noises around the dim of silence.
Natalia did not finish her words to bask in her wise retort.
”What a daring daughter in law! HAHAHA! I'm sure Donya Nelya will have her hands full in this one!” Some even threw audible comments around that further intensified the fit of jollity from the guests.
The priest coughed once but he did not interfere, judging that these curious words were only prelude to the best ones to come next.
This old priest could never get tired of the surprises brought about by the young.
These new generations would do entrances like barbaric dancers with twirls and lively jumps and the vows would even get more aesthetic with flowery words and sweet promises.
Only to get divorced a year later. At least this one was a different breed of pledge altogether. The old priest sighed and waited a little bit more.
”Ehem...” Natalia cleared her throat to silence the rowdy crowd on the seats. This time she poured her heart out and imparted both fears and expectations.
”You and I have not met under usual circumstances.” Natalia started.
With the given scripted vows scrapped, she continued while looking at the eyes of the man who returned her serenity with his unblinking stare.
”Although i wished that luck would not have played at us in this way but since you came into my life in the most unexpected terms, then my only hope is that the two of us can learn to love and respect one another.
Give me that and I assure you that... in time, you can definitely call me your own as I shall also claim you as mine. Can we at least do that? Try?” Natalia's emotions were bared in full.
”Of course, Natalia. You have my word.” Paulo whispered and several instances later, a joyous sound boomed in culmination of the event.
”You may now kiss the bride!” The white veil was set delicately aside. Paulo leaned in after that smooth careful motion.
Natalia saw the intently closing face of the one person who did so many bad things in the past. The memories kept flooding in until she had no choice but to close her eyes to wait for the eventual plunge.
Her first kiss.
”Hmmmmmm...!!!” she expected something fleeting and brief but this was not it.
The man who had so solemnly swore to pledge his devotion towards her handled her like a cheap whore on display in front of the audience.
3 seconds.