Chapter 338: The Most Important Gift Of All (1/2)
The reception was held in the biggest hall of the Han Clan.
With how precise our bored gamer was on his attacks, the family grounds and its propterties basically remained untouched aside of course from the destroyed gates that he smashed to announce his advent.
Every death was swift with only 1 quick swipe per life and one head would roll in the aftermath.
Although those monsters deserved to suffer a painful agonizing death for their crimes but fortunately for them, Clark did not have the leisure to waste his time on such trivial things.
The evil scum of the top echelon of Han could be said to have been lucky to have their lives ended by our very own protagonist.
”Welcome all of you! I am Clark Colter. A rogue cultivator from afar. It seems like my little adventure in your good city has alarmed the overlords of this place.
To that, I could only offer my sincerest sorrow for my actions.” Our bored gamer started as he received the horde of guests in his presence.
”Master Clark is a righteous and a noble man of justice.
The recent Patriarch of Han and its Elders deserved to be slaughtered for all the evil that they have done not only to the pitiful people of Aurora City but also towards their very own flesh and blood.
I, Zhang Tai and the rest of my Zhang Family salute you for your great deeds, Master Clark!” A beautiful woman led the group.
This sexy lady was of course a contingent of the Zhang Clan who held utmost superiority over the myriad of parties that were present alongside her today.
No one was bold enough to go against the pyramid of power that has already existed for thousands of years in this city of Aurora.
”You honor me with your words, Lady Zhang Tai.” Our bored gamer smiled in satisfaction.
Just like always, he took his seat in the center dais while everyone around him were standing in attendance to get to know him better today.
It did not need telling that every single one of these trained cultivators were expert negotiators or slippery spies if one were to use a better term to describe them.
”You deserve our people's praise, Master Clark.” Zhang Tai returned the smile and continued thereafter.
”On behalf of the Zhang Family, I would like to present our humble gift in first meeting. Please accept them, Master Clark.” Zhang Tai waved a gentle hand and...
”THUD!” Priceless items of varied kinds dropped their weight on the stage. To say that the Zhang Family was rich was simply a huge understatement in their generous showing right now.
There were sealed jars of spirit stones that broke several hundred thousands in number. And that was only the beginning of it all.
Cultivation manuals were neatly stacked in piles and there were also huge quantities of enchanted weapons in the fray.
It was obvious that the Zhang Family, the unequaled hegemon in Aurora City, has extremely high regard towards this rogue cultivator they only knew of as Master Clark Colter.
”Hello, Master Clark! I am Song...”
”The Ren Clan also sends its...”