Chapter 210: Heavenly Treasure (1/2)
”What the hell happened to me?” Clark murmured as he was groggy with the forced sleep that afflicted his person.
He did not know how long he had been asleep and even his natural abilities as a bona fide True Immortal was impaired at the moment.
He could not even use his divine sense to determine what was happening outside the comforts of his own room.
But after a few breaths elapsed, the memories before he was knocked out on the bed came rushing back at him in droves.
There was a bitter sour taste in his mouth and he almost puked on the spot when he remembered the clay brick that jumped so eagerly at his throat.
”FUCK ME! How could this happen to me?!
I've made my mistakes but to be cursed by one fucking Elder God before and to now suffer the same dire fate in the hands of a fucking clay brick of all things, this can't simply be called fair already!
How could life play with me like this?!” Our bored gamer could only throw some empty complaints in the air as he rode the strange weakness that befell on his form at the moment.
He was even finding it hard to lay on his back but could only remain in an impotent state with him face down on the mattress.
A full minute passed before his faculties were luckily returned to him eventually. He could now use his system given abilities and the powers that he also earned so far in this xianxia world.
And the first thing he did was of course go to the wash room and clean his mouth from any leftover taste from the clay brick that almost choked him to death from before.
”HAK!” Clark coughed copious amounts of water as he gurgled the flavor out from his mouth. Alas, the familiar clay brick taste just would not go away from clinging on his tongue.
It seemed that it was there to stay for now.
”I should find a way to get rid of this somehow. This isn't natural at all!” Our bored gamer whispered and tried to think of something to remedy his situation.
One should know that cultivators were almost perfect being already. An existence that was only second to gods and goddesses in the Divine Realm.
As such, they were not anymore caged to the tedious weaknesses that their mortal brothers and sisters still succumbed to.
This was why cultivators like our bored gamer could live life without having to pee or take a dump any more.
This was probably one of the minor differences between cultivators and mortals.
”Ahhh... I'll just leave it for now.” In the end, our avid gamer could only rest his case. Not for the lack of trying though.
He burned his tongue and the inside of his mouth with true fire but the same effect remained. He could still taste shit in the aftermath of his solutions.
”I wonder what that clay brick really is.” This was all Clark thought last before he began with his day. Far from his fears earlier, he only slept for an hour.
Thus, he could eat lunch with his family in this xianxia world and that was what he did of course.
He did not know that his fate had already changed so much the moment that he encountered with that mystical clay brick today.
This would not remain to be true though because the truth would always manifest in time.
A week passed and it was after a long night of pleasure with his women that our bored gamer took a deep slumber.
And for the first time in a long while, he was visited by a dream for what seemed like eons in the making.
He dreamt that he was the hero of the story, caught the affection of maidens left and right, and vanquished dragons and monsters on the side.
What was curious though was that this hero has a peculiar main weapon in his hand. A fucking ordinary clay brick!
The same exact thing that jumped happily in the belly of our very own protagonist. Clark was of course not forced awake by this realization.
He continued to live the life of this legendary character unto the bitter end of his last day. He was betrayed by a lover.
A magical poisoned knife in the back which has proven the fatal demise of this unknown man. It was also at this time when our bored gamer finally opened his eyes.
There was a certain clarity held within them as everything seemed clearer than when he closed his eyes the night before.
”HAHAHA!” In a moment, a loud laughter rang in the confines of Clark's room. He looked to the heavens and could not help but celebrate his victory over that fucking Elder God.