168 Chapter 168 "Let us share this experience together, sister.” (1/2)
”GULP!” This was the only reply that our bored gamer could do at the moment.
The days have been harsh so far especially with how he could not get together with Wan Fei during their nightly affairs.
Primal Warden Lin Che just would not let them be alone and the irritating woman in gold was pretty much always a disturbance every single time.
Clark wished that he could hold on longer than he could but alas, he found out quickly enough that he was just a man after all.
Especially with how tempting Lian Li's body looked right now, our virile protagonist could only keep the animal inside him for so long. This was a whole new territory to conquer after all!
Nevertheless, it could be said that a tug of war was ongoing inside the very soul of our bored gamer right this very instant.
'Is that a yes?' Lian Li wondered inside. She had been fully naked for a couple of breaths already and she had yet to see any positive reaction from her Young Master Clark.
The handsome man only laid on the bed still. Immovable and pretty much drooling at Lian Li's body with his eyes.
This plain truth was quite easy to see for everyone within the chambers but the lack of inaction has brought about a sudden hesitation on the will of this very bold maidservant Lian Li.
”Sister...” Lian Ah called from behind.
Lian Li obliged and when her eyes connected with her sister's, she could all but fathom what Lian Ah wanted to say even with no words uttered between them.
'What do we do now?' This was the message that Lian Li received from Lian Ah's actions alone.
They had been together since they were young and so were already very aware of one another's mannerisms.
In reply, Lian Li has no choice but to give a simple shrug as she really has no idea on where to go from here.
In the end, she looked to the corner of the room and found the amused gaze of Lin Che. A sense of shame washed over Lian Li's heart but she persevered through it all.
She had gone too far now to just go back and tuck her tails to quit. But upon the next breath, the guilty maidservant also broke eye contact with Lin Che.
Lian Li realized what was about to happen next and so she bowed her head and awaited the finale of her fate.
”You are disgusting, don't you know that? You stand there naked and wish for a man to mate with you. How low and improper. You are no better than a beast in heat!”
Lin Che accused and she was not so subtle about her words at all. She pronounced them well enough which has also sent daggers of poison towards the soul of the poor maidservant Lian Li.
”I can only do what little choices life has offered in my front, Mistress Lin Che. I apologize if my behavior has displeased you, Mistress.”
”As you should, sl...” Lin Che has wanted to say more but was cut short by a firm voice at the center of the room.
”Come, Lian Li.” Clark called as he could not anymore take the harsh words of the Primal Warden so it was best that he ignored Lin Che completely out of the equation.
'There would come a day that I would finally be able to get rid of your face, Lin Che. And when that time comes, i don't think that i will miss you that much. Not at all in fact.'
Our bored gamer concluded and awaited the response of Lian Li.
”Thank you for your kindness, Young Master Clark. Please excuse the intrusion of your humble maid.” Lian Li bowed slightly and began talking slow steps towards the man on the bed.
”Wait for me, sister!” A squeak could be heard from behind her and that could only be Lian Ah of course.
Since they have come here to do the ultimate sacrifice, it was better for the two of them to do it together also.
This would enable both to have great security against other men in general especially that of Old Peng which these two maidens had already considered having bad motives towards them.
A still frame in time existed as two untouched women walked hand in hand towards a lone lucky young man on the bed.
”Hmmmp!” A snort could be heard from behind the backdrop of this eventual feast but otherwise remained silent throughout the rest of the night.
Lin Che has had no soul inside her whatsoever that made her an excellent executioner for Justice. Alas, this has also marked a grave limitation unto her existence.
She could slaughter evil where they stood and she could speak the truth plainly enough but other than that, she was only ever a constant spectator to the grand beauty and tainted flaws of Creation.
”Pardon me, Young Master.” Lian Li said after she crawled on all fours towards the waiting arms of our bored gamer.
Her voluminous twin peaks hung lewdly enough and their pink tips were very much inviting to the single man in attendance.
Lian Li was about to grab the already awakened serpent between our good gamer's thighs but a hand stopped her completely in place.