124 Chapter 124 (1/2)

”This is a surprise indeed!” Twilight Moon heard the boy's arrogant words and she was not at all puzzled about it.

Although some of the child's words were pretty much alien to her ears but those were easily ignored in comparison to the immediate course of action that she wanted to do at this very moment.

Her brown eyes flashed into muted golden radiance and same as her previous attempts, she could still not read the child's past, present and future.

It appeared that Young Master Clark was there with them but at the same time, everything about him was filled with the shroud of mystery.

Inscrutable like an Eternal Enigma. Twilight Moon clearly remembered the last time that she was faced with this same exact inexplicable paradox from before.

And she did not like that this boy had made her recall something that she had wanted to forget in the long years of her existence.

”It seems like you were expecting us, Young Master Clark.”

Twilight Moon was the first one to react and the three dark personas from behind her also took this moment to drop the veil of darkness that covered their forms entirely.

One beast, one woman, and the last was a very evil man.

”THRUM!” The murky room blossomed in the blinding brilliance of three different auras.

The spiritual presence of the three alone birthed countless runes and ancient symbols which scattered all over the place to prevent the unwanted prying of others from outside the four corners of this room.

The only one who acted as if she needed nothing of such precautions was Twilight Moon in front of them.

Even so, the lavender fairy dress on her diminutive body rippled like water in the windless air of the chambers.

”I had a hunch that you would come. So why are you all here?”

Clark asked as his form floated to meet his uninvited guests eye to eye. At 6 foot 5 inches in height, he would of course look down at the little girl who reached only 4 foot tall before him.

But the same could not be said to her other partners at all.

The trio were perhaps at least 10 foot tall at first glance. But the contrast in height has not at all bothered our good gamer.

In his eyes, these four were nothing but kids before his overpowered self.

'Old kids that may have already lived for billions of years more than me.'

Clark corrected within and if he was to be frank about it, he was quite very interested in forming a good relationship with people who had lived this long in life.

'The stories of their lives would have amounted to thousands of web novels back in my home world!'

Our good protagonist almost smiled at the thought but he put a halt to it before the smile could completely form on his face.

'I'm already a Senior Immortal to these children already so I better act my part to its fullest!'

He did not have to wait long for his guests to announce what they have come here to do in the first place.

”I am Daoist Twilight Moon of Maiden Dream Sect. Will you accept to become my student, Young Master Clark?”

The little girl asked and it was pretty apparent how highly she thought of our bored gamer.

It could be seen from her words alone that she was still not that comfortable around the cover of mystique on Young Master Clark's identity and so willingly took the path of least resistance.

Twilight Moon flattered our great protagonist and was not at all ashamed in doing so.

Alas, the other True Immortals behind her was also not that stupid to miss the hint from Twilight Moon's words.

”You can call me Daoist Crazy Monkey, Young Master Clark. Please join our Celestial Beast Sect!

We can give you anything you want and would provide all the cultivation resources until you can finally reach your full potential and become one like us! True Immortals!”

Daoist Crazy Monkey knew how to play with words and that was what he did.

He may appear like a monkey king but that has not at all diminished how shrewd he could be when it comes to something that would benefit him and his Legion of Monsters.

”Well met, Young Master Clark. I'm Daoist Snow Frost. I come from the Floating Cloud Sect. We represent all that is good and just in this realm.

If you want to uphold justice and smite the face of evil from these lands, you are most welcome to be a part of our righteous cause!” Snow Frost invited with a beautiful smile on her face.