113 Chapter 113 (1/2)

Three minutes more and seven middle aged men gathered at the forgotten edges of the Demonic Sword Sect.

This place was only used for new upcoming disciples and never on the respected guests of the sect.

They have a different teleportation matrix for that which could easily carry these important visitors into the inner sanctum of the sect without the hassle of letting them witness the not so pleasant face of the sect on its backyard.

”HAHAHA! It looks like you also heard the ruckus that was happening in this wasteland, Cao Yi!” One of the men greeted in a voice that was full of humor.

A silvery sheen shrouded on his form and this magical phenomenon was also present on his counterparts' bodies.

This was brought about by the sect token in their possession which granted them absolute protection within and without the sect.

The formation over their heads was not merely just for show but provided apt defense against any assailant that was not welcome inside the sect in the first place.

The silver shine existed for a few breaths before it vanished completely thereafter.

”I just hope that they are not practicing cannibalism this time, Su Da.” Cao Yi replied and joined the sarcastic laughter in the air.

The five others kept their silence and was just satisfied in checking out the fun in this dull afternoon session.

They were already at the 6th Stage of Mortal Shedding Realm and could therefore stay and train within the good graces of the Demonic Sword Sect until the day that they die.

As such, these seven were content on living the life of mediocrity. It was not as if indulging in one did not bring them some of the guilty pleasures in life.

In fact it did and in more ways than one could have ever imagined.

”Let's go, Cao Yi, Su Da. We don't want to be late to listen in the Dao Preaching of Elder Wan Wan.” A third person finally barged in on the conversation.

This was just only an afternoon trip and not that very special at that. Only a little curiosity for them and nothing more.

”Mao Gang has a point. Let's visit those dumb brutes and finish this quickly!” Cao Yi said and led the group towards the origin of the smoke in the sky.

Their forms took the guises of familiar shadows and the speed that they took were almost two times that of the strongest and fastest mortal could ever hope to achieve.

The comparison between the two was simply meaningless to begin with.

The group of seven arrived in less than five minutes and they all witnessed the dancing bodies and the delicious oily meats rolled in sticks over a steady supply of flames.

”Wood and spiritual beasts? How could these mongrels get their hands on this one? Did they finally nab a rich young master or something?” Su Da uttered and looked intently on the people around him.

”Indeed. Hey, dogs! Why aren't you licking my feet already?”

Mao Gang said softly but because his voice was already so familiar in the ears of these one thousand collection of men and women, the realization of his presence brought about like a thunderous boom on the ears of the crowd.

”THUD!” The usual scene from before was reenacted once more as a sea of people kneeled on the place.

The trauma and shadow of subjugation that happened for many many years was too strong over this sorry bunch of cultivators.

Some of the Outer Disciples even employed torture on a few hapless victims to feed off the negative emotions on those pitiful souls to further strengthen their evil swords and cultivation.

There was only silence everywhere and no one was brave enough to speak nor breath loudly in the scene.

That was of course before our bored gamer finally made himself be known unto everyone in attendance.



”CLAP!” A party of six stepped out from one of the nearby buildings in the place.

It was led by no one else but our good protagonist Clark and it was at this time that he basked in the attention that everyone was giving him.

It did not need saying that all eyes were upon him at this moment and oh, how he loved to stay in the limelight right now.

He walked in calm steps and the seven Outer Disciples could only raise their brows at the arrogance of this newcomer.

”Who the fuck is this little insect?!” Cao Yi exclaimed in annoyance.

His eyes roamed about for a few seconds at the pink robes of Clark and found it quite a ridiculous color of anyone to wear.

At least not to someone who would like to proudly call himself a man.

But in the next breath, Cao Yi and the six that was with him were absolutely dumbstruck at the vision of loveliness that aroused the lust beneath their loins in but mere moments.

Wan Fei and Ning Xi did nothing at all but just glide on the solid floors behind this snotty hateful boy.

”Who am I, you say? I'm the one who's gonna send you on your way to see the Devil tonight.” Clark smiled and without another word spoken, charged fearlessly towards Cao Yi.

He could have of course attacked from where he was but that would most definitely blow his cover up as a mere 4th Stage of Mortal Shedding Realm.