23 Chapter 23 (1/2)

”BOINK!” Five loyal bodyguards formed a line of defense behind their young master.

”Escape quickly, Master Zhang Mu!” the lead guard shouted in alarm. He drew his sword and the men around him did the same.

Of course they were not too stupid to charge at Clark for they knew well enough that that would only result in their quick death.

Their actions were only to delay and hopefully restrict any attacker until their young master could safely escape from this tribulation. Alas, a fool wanted to have a fool's death in the end.

There was no remedy to be had if this was sadly the case.

”I am the Third Prince of Canta City! Let me see him dare lay a h...!” Zhang Mu words paused there. He looked down and saw a third arm has now protruded on his chest.

The newly introduced limb was thick with the smell of blood. Hot and fresh still.

'What happened? How could i...' these were Zhang Mu's last thoughts before darkness devoured everything that he was.


The guards roared in panic and anger but before the final echoes of their despair eclipsed into silence once more, each and everyone of them was already bereft of something pretty significant to their continued existence.

Their hearts! It was already crushed into a mangled state.

There was an eerie hush in the scene.

Princess Ning Xi and her lovely servants, same with the trembling audience that was unfortunate enough to be around, laid witnessed as the silent perpetrator combed through the belongings of the dead.

”Are these five swords enchanted treasures, Nancy?” Clark asked after he pocketed the fallen guards weapons inside his inventory.

He remembered that there were magical tools in the Pill Pavilion that detailed how it could unleash fire and ice unto their enemies.

Thus, he decided to end the battle swiftly before these men could even bring forth such unwanted elements into battle.

”Negative, host. These items are normal creations made out of sharp steel and not imbued with any spiritual essence upon its crafting.” Nancy replied.