249 You really dont know? (1/2)
How would Ozul explain about this old man when he himself didn't know anything about him?
He didn't say anything and remained in his thoughts until Blaze's match started.
. . .
Two hours later, Raven was still recovering as she stood by Ozul's side while Blaze stood in the middle of the ground, far from the audience.
In front of him stood Mikol with sweat dripping from his face in an unnatural way.
Many from the audience thought that he feared going up against Blaze after seeing the previous battle.
But a couple of others like Raven and the Rank-9 Mages felt that it was strange.
Blaze didn't get complacent either. He remembered Ozul telling him that there were high chances for his defeat. Even if he didn't think so himself, he believed that Ozul would have his reasons for warning him.
Also, Mikol's face didn't look worried or anxious. It looked more like he was in pain instead!
Before Blaze could say anything, the representative of the Mercenary Guild flew in the air and with a clear voice, announced the start of their fight,
Blaze didn't waste any time before rushing towards Mikol with his Magical Spells ready to shoot at any time.
The audience cheered, most of them shouted for Blaze only because of his good looks. The people belonging to the prominent factions didn't utter a word since none of the two participants' victory or defeat concerned them.
Responding to the cheers, Blaze increased his speed with each step taken towards Mikol, who he just realized was standing still in his place all this time!
'Hm? What is he planning...' Blaze didn't assume for a second that Mikol was only scared to move because of how well he had fought with Raven previously.
While he contemplated what Mikol was hoping to achieve by just standing still, he continued to rush towards him with confidence in his own strength.
Though just at that particular time, Ozul's warning flashed past his brain which made him stop at a safe distance from Mikol. He decided to play it safe first.
Standing a few meters away from Mikol, Blaze shot two giant ice spikes at him. The ice spikes rotated at a blinding speed as they threatened to kill Mikol with just a single hit.
Just when the ice spikes were 3 meters away from Mikol, he finally moved!
He swung his arm in the air, hysterically chanting spells upon spells that created a bright light that forced almost all of them to close their eyes.
When they opened them back again, Mikol and Blaze were already engaged in fierce combat.
Blaze kept on creating sharp ice objects and direct them in Mikol's direction while the latter rushed at him.
'Is he also confident in his physical strength?' Blaze pondered before blocking Mikol's path.
Even with Blaze's intense efforts, Mikol gradually began to close in the distance between them. No matter what Blaze sent at him, Mikol dodged almost everything while taking care of the rest with his spells.
He didn't only dodge either, just like Blaze's Icicles, Mikol cast a spell that sent sharp beams of bright light at Blaze.
When Blaze realized that these beams of light would do much more than just giving him a burn, he instantly conjured an ice wall in front of him which blocked all of the beams.
He didn't miss how it was just a thin layer remaining at the spots on which the beams had hit the ice wall.
'Even that simple spell did this much?... I will have to end it quickly,' Blaze decided not to waste his time anymore and finish it as quickly as he could.
One lesson he had learned while being there in the Nine Petals Sect was that the Mages all were physically many times weaker than one would actually think.
Unlike him and Raven, their bodies had only now started to incorporate with Mana, so such a disparity between their physical ranks was a given. Right now, he was thinking of exploiting this weakness of Mikol.
'When else would I use it if not now...' Blaze thought as he cast another spell which didn't create any ice spears or sharp Icicles. Instead, something started to appear on his hands!
Slowly, tiny ice chunks appeared out of thin air and all of them started to join together until they covered all of Blaze's fists.
In the audience, Ozul didn't have any change in his facial expression, but Raven peered curiously at those ice gauntlets.
She hadn't seen him cast such a spell before, so it was also as much of a surprise for her as for others.