156 A wild guess. (1/2)
However, just as the old lady had stood up, she sat back on the bench before chugging down half the bottle of wine.
”Tch! For a second, you had got me!” the old lady spat in her manly voice.
”What? No! I am not joking! I am sure that this guy is The Feral!” The brown-haired man insisted. He believed his conclusion to be true, and he stood firm on his decision.
”Yeah yeah yeah. Mark, No one has ever seen his face. How do you expect me to believe you that you saw him?!” the old lady said with scrunched up expressions. She was annoyed that the brown-haired man named Mark kept on his jokes.
”Cyril, I didn't believe that it was him at first either. But listen to me first!” Mark insisted.
”Okay, shoot,” the old lady addressed to as Cyril said with a grumpy voice.
”You know that even when no one has seen his face, one thing everyone is sure of is that he has that black hat on top of his head all the time, yeah?” Mark said as Cyril nodded her head, listening to him patiently.
”Well, as I was reading the newspaper, I suddenly noticed a guy in the market with the exact same hat as in the rumors!” Mark explained excitedly.
”But-” Cyril was about to say something, but Mark didn't let her finish.
”No buts. Listen to me first. I know you can't just assume him to be The Feral. But what if I tell you that he picked up my intent right when it leaked?!” Mark asked with a smug smile as if losing control over his intent was something he took pride in.
Cyril shut up at this. She stopped to look at the ground in contemplation as Mark continued. He was not done with the things that pointed out this person to be The Feral.
”Just in that instant, I had gotten a big scare when that guy turned around and looked in the exact direction of me from tens of meters away! If I weren't quick enough to leave even earlier, he would've seen me!”
Before Cyril could say anything else, Mark added, ”And if even all this couldn't change your mind, then let me tell you, there was a girl following behind him as well!”
”Just how many people in this continent are so strong that they are able to sense my location in a matter of seconds with the exact physical traits as him?!”
This last sentence of Mark made Cyril go into deep contemplation. Even in his mind, the idea of this person being The Feral was formed for many reasons.
First of all, these two were one of the elites and had an experience of decades in this field. Both being Rank-8 Mages, their names were known throughout the continent. As his partner for years, Cyril knew how precise and sharp Mark had honed his intent to.
All of these physical character traits were written in a book in Mark's hand under the name of The Feral. This was the Bingo Book that was provided by their organization.
This book contained information on hundreds of famous and strong people all around the continent who had a bounty on their heads. And the name of The Feral was somewhat popular among the people in their profession since he was known as an assassin that never left any clues behind.
Even for an organization as powerful as theirs, they could not get the face of him and just compiled his profile based on the most popular rumors, which seemed to hold some ground as feasible.
Because of the nature of their organization, they wanted to recruit this person in their ranks. However, the last guy that they had sent to force him to come to their headquarters had his body found in the sewers of an unknown city!
After that incident, the organization did not hold back anymore and placed the bounty on his head when some people with grudges asked to do so.
It was said that this person wasn't much powerful since the strongest that he had killed was only a Rank-7. But what made him more dangerous was his ability to go around unseen and unnoticed. Also, it was estimated that he might be around Rank-8 as well because of his skills.
”Hmm... Now this person really seems to be him. Let's check him out. If he really is the man, then we hit the jackpot!” Cyril said excitedly after giving it some thought.
They were both Rank-8 Mages who worked as the bounty hunters for the organization. Their work was to hunt down the people in the Bingo Book to get the reward. The Feral had a huge bounty on his head due to him being there on the book for a few years now.