142 Elemental Lotus. (1/2)
Everyone else was curious, but they did not dare to approach the Lotus since they did not want to end up like the previous man.
Unlike the rest, Ozul did not care much about whatever was happening to the Lotus as long as it was natural.
He would have only been troubled if someone had forcibly done something to the Lotus. He had also noticed that one of the petals outside the flower had turned brown, but he was okay with it since it seemed to be a necessary part of its life cycle.
The curiosity in the group only lasted for a couple of minutes, and everyone went back to whatever they were doing before.
Although the Lotus looked weird with the fourth part of it painted brown while the other three petals were pink, the group did not hold any thoughts of checking it out.
A few more minutes passed, and the room gained its previous stillness.
Just then, Ozul again opened his eyes and put his hand on his face, looking through the small gap of his metallic fingers. Some of the people noticed his gesture and suddenly closed their eyes instinctively.
And as expected, another flash of light brightened the whole room. The people weren't as surprised as before, but it still got them to stand up and take their fighting stance.
Although the whole process was similar to what had happened before, the light's color had suddenly changed into the blue! So, they were not sure what was about to happen next.
But their worries were unfounded since the room returned to normal when the light vanished. The only difference this time was that one of the petals on the Lotus had now turned dark blue!
Since Ozul had prepared beforehand, he even saw the process where the petal had changed in color from starting from the roots. An even more compressed beam of blue color had transmitted into the thin and delicate stem of the flower, slowly changing the color of the petal as well.
By now, everyone had noticed the new change in the Lotus. One of its petals was brown, the other blue, and the rest two on the outside were still pink in color.
The appearance of another color had made most of the people in the room realize what was happening. They were witnessing the last process of the Lotus before it truly matured!
And the name Elemental Lotus finally made sense to them since there were already two colors on the petals representing two of the Elements.
The color, however, wasn't the most significant change that they had noticed. It was slight, but the people noticed that the petals were opening a little! By now, they could already see the tips of the petals covered by the four outside.
The petals did not grow continually. It only happened when the bright beams of light flashed.
It was fortunate for everyone that they had come across the Lotus just when it was about to mature.
Since the people understood the process, they went back to their meditating positions. They anticipated when the next beam of light would flash.
As everyone had expected, another light brightened the room. This time, it was an off-white color. When the light disappeared, and they could see again, there was another petal painted in off-white color right next to the dark blue one.
”What Element is that now?” Blaze curiously asked, poking at Raven.
Raven swatted his finger annoyedly and replied, ”It's Wind. Stop bothering me, and let me concentrate!”
Blaze hurriedly moved away from her after realizing that she was getting annoyed. Others were too engrossed in the new color of the petal to notice how much the density of Mana inside the room had grown to.
The denser the Mana in the atmosphere was, the easier it was for the Mages to control and direct it inside of themselves.
It seemed that each time another petal gained a color, the Lotus had its Mana increased to a whole new level.
Ozul's lips almost moved to form a small smile since he was satisfied with the Lotus. He wasn't sure before if the plant was really worth the wait. But each time, the increase in density of the Mana in the Lotus was proof of how much it would be worth after it fully matured.
People went back to their places, waiting for the next flash of light. They already guessed the light to be red in color representing the Fire Element.
It met their expectations, and a bright red light flashed after around twenty minutes of wait, and the last petal on the outside was painted red. At this point, they could clearly see the top halves of the three closed leaves inside the outer four.
Everyone now had all of their attention towards the Lotus except for the trio and people such as Clara, Barry, and Clive. These were the only people who kept cultivating while others had been so engrossed in the Lotus that they did not take advantage of high-density Mana.
The people waited for the next light. Some made their bets on what the next color would be and so on. However, they were all disappointed when nothing happened for the next two hours!