139 Lying her way out. (1/2)
”I will need to explain in detail...” the Snake muttered in a low voice. Ozul had earlier said that he did not have enough time, so she worried that if she began to explain everything in detail, he would get angry at her.
”Go on,” said Ozul. He did not mind a long explanation as long as she did not spout nonsense.
”The fog that is spread in kilometers radiusss of this place is actually generated by this garden. It is all actually done naturally. Every hundred years, this process ssstarts all over again just in preparation for the Lotusss to bloom,” the Snake explained. However, she would sometimes extend the words with 'S' sound.
”First of all, the garden chooses a suitable place to settle down. In those hundred years, all it does is to find a proper place to ssstart the process. After it has found a place, it would start to ssslowly corrupt the trees and plants in the surroundings.”
”Corrupted? Like those poisonous plants and the surrounding strange trees?” Ozul questioned in the middle.
”Yesss~ The garden ssstarts out as this area, only filled with vines. Its aura corruptsss the flora all around it, and turns it all into a kind of factory that works to ssserve only one purpose — to help the Elemental Lotus bloom,”
At this point, the White Snake did not hold back anything and talked like she was conversing with a dear friend and not with someone who could kill her anytime.
”Firssst of all, the fog surrounds a vast area around the garden, and getting into it is the first ssstep of this giant trap. As you may already know, once the creaturesss are trapped in the fog, they either get fortunate or they disappear! Those vines are like the limbsss of this garden.”
”And those Plant Beasts in there?” Ozul asked.
”That right there is the most crucial step. Those creaturesss are used to suck out the Mana of all the living things which fall into the trap. Those plants are the greatest mysteriesss of all. No one understands how they are able to extract all essence of Mana from the living creatures.” The Snake said the last part with a complaining tone.
”All in all, the Mana is then used to water the Elemental Lotusss so that it can grow. You know, they call the garden as 'The Tarantulas' since you know-”
”Yes. Because of how it lays out the cobweb and then slowly eats the prey...” Ozul completed her words since it did not really need much explanation.
”Okay, now that this part is done, what are the Elemental Seeds used for?” Ozul asked. This was the real question. He wanted to know how useful they were for him.
Yes, he already considered the Seeds to be his. Now that he had been too deeply involved in this mess, why wouldn't he take advantage of it? Moreover, as far as he could see, there was no one else here to claim the Seeds anyway.
”That... I don't know,” she replied before backing away in fear. Closing her eyes as she wrapped her tail around herself, expecting a harsh reply.
Such a thing would obviously seem like a lie to anyone who heard it. So she expected another blade to be lunged at her tail, but contrary to her expectations, there was nothing.
She slowly opened her eyes to look at Ozul, who stared back at her apathetically.
”Okay...” Ozul said as the Snake had mind gears working in different directions.
'Did he believe me just like that?! Although it is really true that I don't know those Seeds' use, shouldn't he doubt me!?' The Snake thought. Even she herself would have started torturing the person in question when they replied as such after revealing so much.
The Snake had thoughts that if it would have been better if she had just lied from the start or not.
Unknown to her, Ozul easily believed her because he did not need to judge her words. He just knew it! How could he not when the feelings project things that people sometimes don't even know about themselves?
”If that's so, why are you here? If you don't know what is the use for the Seeds, why did you guys come here to get them?” Raven questioned. She had already recovered her breath and was now standing together with Ozul with Blaze just behind them.
Although Raven trusted Ozul's judgment, she was still skeptical of the giant White Snake before her.