129 Explosive Mana!? (1/2)
Ozul noticed that it was actually the essence that he had felt inside the Mana.
And if the stream of it was getting separated from the mass of foreign Mana, it meant that they were finally able to sense it too!
Moreover, it was not only one, but both Raven and Blaze had been able to detect the essence. He then noticed how the stream of Mana was actually moving away from their own Mana Core.
It was as if that reddish energy had its own mind, but it wanted to get into their Mana Core. As though it was restless after getting separated from the Mana.
However, Raven and Blaze were trying their best not to let it slip into their Mana Core because of Ozul's advice.
Although Ozul did not know much about that reddish energy, which he called the essence, he was aware of what would happen if they absorbed that thing in their Mana Core. Just like before, after entering their Mana Core, the reddish energy would just become a part of their Mana or the Core itself.
It was also probably the reason for the increase in talent as people talked about.
Raven and Blaze had already absorbed that energy in their Mana Core more than when any other person would absorb the drake's Core, only because of this unconventional method from Ozul.
So, even when he did not know what would happen after they absorbed it into their blood instead of the Mana Core, he at least knew that it would be something different.
There was only one way to find out what would happen, and that was for the duo to absorb it first.
As for what if something went wrong with this process? Ozul would handle it at that time.
Raven and Blaze, unaware that they were literally just experimenting after listening to Ozul, followed his orders, and the stream of reddish energy started to move towards their arteries and veins.
When the reddish energy got into contact with their bloodstream, both Raven and Blaze hissed out in stinging pain.
Ozul did not worry about it after only hearing their hissing since he believed that if the reddish energy was really related to the dragons' bloodline, then it was best suited to be absorbed in the blood!
He sat back while observing them go through the process.
Although unclear due to the fog, Ozul could notice that their skin color started to turn even redder after they had forced the essence to enter their veins and arteries.
Both of them gritted their teeth because the pain was getting unbearable as they directed all of the reddish energy into their bloodstream.
They were expecting it to require even more effort into making the essence or the reddish energy absorb into their blood. Still, out of their expectations, it suddenly latched onto their blood!
With force even stronger than when the energy had applied to enter their Mana Core, it quickly dissolved into their blood!
'Is it because they have absorbed the essence?' Ozul contemplated but also hurriedly moved closer to them without wasting a moment.
He directed another chunk of Ball of Purity in the gaseous state inside of them and instantly warped that foreign Mana before it got out of control.
Raven and Blaze were already exhausted, and he knew that if he didn't help them here, they would probably die.
He forced that Mana to come out of their body and after taking it out, Ozul released it.
Ozul did not expect that the Mana was already in a violent state, so it suddenly exploded right after he had released it since it was compressed in the Ball of Purity before!
Although the explosion was small, everyone in the group promptly rushed towards their place.
Due to the fog, others could not see what had happened. They expected the worst-case scenario and rushed to the trio's spot.
”What happened?!”