123 His reasons. (1/2)
At this time, Hanry finally could not take it. He approached Ozul and said, ”Young man, if you don't want the bodies, we are willing to buy them at any price that you ask!”
Although Hanry did not have any funds at hand, he was sure that Clara's family would not miss the chance to buy drakes' corpses.
Moreover, the bodies were in an almost perfect condition. There were no unnecessary wounds or injuries that would decrease the value of them. So, Hanry was anxious to seal the deal before Ozul really buried the bodies.
However, Hanry had forgotten to consider one point. If Ozul really wanted money, it would still be profitable to sell the corpses anywhere. Burying them only meant that he did not care about money in this situation at all.
”I am not selling them,” Ozul replied with a cold tone. Just because he did not say, it did not mean that he enjoyed repeating his words so much.
”But are you sure? We can-”
He squinted his eyes at the men surrounding them, his head lifted a little, looking down at those surrounding him. Suddenly, a huge pressure descended on all the people who were there to see if they had any chance to obtain the drakes' corpses.
It seemed that one wrong move would put their lives at risk.
”If any of you want them, you can try to take them from me. However, I will not be selling anything.” Ozul gestured towards the corpses with his hand.
The people stood there, most of them already sweating buckets even when it was only Ozul's intent. Unlike what he had done with Venessa, Ozul had only threatened them, and there was no bloodlust. So it was bearable for some of them.
But even this much was enough to scare the hell out of those mercenaries. Even Hanry, Clive, and Barry were not spared from the pressure.
They were also ten times better than the other mercenaries, but they still felt the danger. Their instincts honed by hundreds of battles warned them that they wouldn't live to see another day if they took even one step further.
Ozul swept his eyes at all the people. Almost all of them were already regretting coming here.
Noticing that his little trick worked, he retracted the pressure on them and turned around to look at Blaze.
Blaze had already dug up a vast area of ground, so he was almost done. He appeared to be very diligent since Ozul would rarely ask him to do things instead of Raven even if it was just digging up a grave.
Since the pressure was gone, the group of people hurriedly scattered away. They did not want to stay here any longer in fear that someone pisses him off again.
Clive began to instruct the uninjured mercenaries to look out for any danger nearby. After that, everyone tended to the injured men.
This kindness from their employer did not escape the other mercenaries' eyes. Their fighting spirits were ignited since it was rare for the mercenaries to be employed by someone this generous.
That vial of a potion was the recently introduced elixir that had been distributed by the Church of Light. Although affordable, it was still expensive for average men to use without any care.
They'd only use those things when their lives were on the line. But their employer had just given the man the potion, even though the injury would have healed on its own if enough time.
Clive nodded his head when he saw this scene. It was as he had expected. It was one of the lowest quality elixirs that they had. Even ordinary soldiers would be able to afford them, but their trash was someone else's treasure.
He used this simple trick to win the hearts of the mercenaries. After this battle, their morale would have been down otherwise.
Although they did not need the mercenaries anyway, Clive knew that they still had to fight with any other danger that they would encounter on the way.
All the while, Hanry stayed near Clara just in case some other beast decided to attack them.
When Blaze had finally dug up the ground big enough for the two dead bodies to fit in, Ozul only had to use the Ball of Purity to pick up the bodies and put them in the ground.
”Bury them,” Ozul ordered before Blaze used the same shovel made up of ice that he had used to dig up the area to put the dirt back in.