33 Compensation. (1/2)

When Raven saw the condition of Ozul, she slammed the door open and arrived before him.

Upon seeing the haggard condition of Ozul, his wounds ridden body and his exhausted figure, tears formed in Ravens' eyes.

”What happened!? WHO DID IT!? Are you fine?! WHO DARES TO HURT YOU!? Does it hurt anywhere?!”- Raven started to bombard Ozul with questions.

She radiated absolute bloodlust towards the people who had done this to her Ozul. Raven was ashamed of herself that she could not do anything for Ozul.

She kept checking his injuries, and from time to time, Raven would think how weak she was, how she was not capable enough to change anything, how she could not protect him.

Ozul, noticing the unstable state that Raven was in, decided to do something about it, or it might lead to something unexpected.

He created a hand using Ball of Purity and patted Raven's head before he spoke in a firm tone;

”Don't worry, I'm fine.”-

Even though this pat helped Raven to stabilize her mental state, but she was still dejected, knowing that Ozul was in this state while she could do nothing!

Ozul went towards the dining room and arrived at the couch before collapsing on it.

The twelve hours of travel together with fighting a Rank-6 Mage—depleted all of his energy!

Raven bit her lower lips as she followed behind Ozul. Her eyes could not look up straight as though she caused everything that happened to him!

She thought that if she were powerful enough, Ozul would not have gone alone on a mission just to obtain some petty resources for her.

She looked at Ozuls exhausted figure on the couch, his disheveled clothes, and the metal lumps that remained of what were prosthetic arms before.

Tears again started to form in her eye as she thought of how she could live if something had happened to Ozul.

Looking at the crying expression on her face, Ozul, for the first time, smiled for Raven!

His expression turned soft as he spoke in a light voice;

”Idiot, it's not your fault.”-

Raven, though did not hear anything that he said because seeing the smile on Ozul's face caused her brain to crash!

Raven kept looking at his face as if the time had stopped for her. It felt that spring had come earlier for Raven as flowers started to bloom in the surroundings.

The Sakura petals began to fall from the sky as the smiling face of Ozul was etched into her vision.

It took several minutes for Raven to come out of her stupor! She was embarrassed to think about how she had literally logged out for a few minutes!

Raven forgot all the negative thoughts earlier as if they were but an illusion. Only the feeling of pure delight remained as she couldn't get enough of the smiling face of Ozul.

After her multiple rational breakdowns, Raven came into reality as she thought;

'How can someone's smile be so... breathtaking... hehe... He smiled for me...'- All kinds of silly thoughts started passing through her mind as some drool started coming out of her mouth!

When she noticed the drool, just as she was wiping it, she noticed that there was some blood on her hand!

Upon further inspection, Raven realized that she was having a nosebleed!! All those thoughts about Ozul had increased her heartbeat so much that the blood came out of her nose!

After wiping away all the blood, Raven furiously blushed as she began to think of her earlier behavior.

Raven then noticed that she had dozed off for so long that Ozul had gone to sleep! All the exhaustion and countless sleepless hours had caused him to sleep after he arrived at home instantly.

She sat near him on the couch. Noticing his uncomfortable position, Raven put Ozul's head on her lap and began to pat his head gently.

Hours passed, and night had fallen. When Ozul opened his eyes, the sight that greeted him was of Raven with a gentle smile on her face. She was playing with his hair from time to time.

Ozul wanted to stand up first, but then he realized how comfortable the lap pillow was! And when Raven played with his hair, the intensity of his coziness only increased!

When Raven noticed Ozul looking straight at her, she was startled!

But she did not lose control and kept her position although her body went rigid and wouldn't move even if she wanted to!

Raven was having the time of her life while giving Ozul the lap pillow and playing with his hair from time to time, but all of a sudden, Ozul had woken up!

She was again embarrassed to face him. But just as she was thinking of excuses to leave, Ozul spoke up;

”Why did you stop?”- Ozul was confused as to why Raven would suddenly freeze.

When Raven heard those words, as if her world had been lit up, she beamed in glee.

She again began to play with Ozuls' hair, albeit this time she was flustered. Ozul did not mind, though—his position couldn't get any more comfortable.