10 Adopt? (1/2)

Entering the house, Ozul took the first chair that came into his view and collapsed on it.

Old Carol watching him act like that, smiled and asked for a glass of water for Ozul. Just looking at the boy's doll-like face, her motherly instincts will start to act up.

Old Carol had never married anyone. So, having a child was only a fool's dream. She already had an idea about what to do with the boy.

”Two arms... hmm... it may take a while,”- Mr. Smith mumbled.

”Also, a leg.”- Ozul spoke up, listening to Smith's words.

”Huh?”- Both Mr. Smith and Carol spoke up as they wondered why he would need a leg?

”It is fake.”- Ozul said as he absorbed the leg into himself.

Seeing his left leg vanishing into thin air, both of them were stunned.

'Poor child. Just how much has he suffered?' - Old Carol again started her inner monologue about Ozuls hardships up until now.

”How did you do that?”- Mr. Smith was sane enough to wonder how did he make that leg.

”Magic.”- Ozul gave just a simple answer, not willing to reveal anything further.

”Oh.”- Mr. Smith had more questions but did not probe into his privacy.

”Well, it may take up to three hours making functional limbs.”- Mr. Smith gave his estimate. It was a magical world, with enough materials, unimaginable things were no longer impossible. He also took Ozuls measurements for the prosthetics.

Ozul just nodded his head. He was under a roof; There was no sunlight directly falling onto his face. He was more than happy to wait here.

Surprisingly, Old Carol also did not leave in the meantime. She started chatting with Ozul.

”Oh my, I did not even ask your name, did I?”- Old Carol.

”... Ozul Ashfall.”- Ozul took a few seconds to answer as he had almost forgotten that he had a name. All this time, No one ever called him, so it was understandable.

”Ah, Such a lovely name Ozul. You can call me, Grandma! If I had grandkids, they would just be at your age.”- Old Carol exclaimed.

Ozul just nodded and did not say anything.

They chatted for the time. Well, it was more like Old Carol kept asking, and Ozul replying with only simple words.

Of course, Ozul did not say anything about how they prisoned him at birth, how his 'father' crippled him while calling him a Devils Spawn.

Three hours flew as Mr. Smith came back, and in his hands were two arms and a leg made out of some kind of polished metal.

”It will hurt like hell when connected. So, brace yourself, kid.”- Mr. Smith said as he bent down to Ozuls waist.

Mr. Smith took out a knife and cut the base of Ozul left side where a leg is supposed to be. Smith was expecting some blood but was astonished to find no blood! He attributed this aspect to the kid's age. Anyways, he was not a physician.

Both Mr. Smith and Old Carol were expecting Ozul to cry out. But when they looked at his face, all they could see was a child looking at his cut skin like watching a show. There was no reaction on his face whatsoever, Cold as ever.

There may not be any blood, but the wound still burned Ozul. But he did not even twitch an eyebrow.

Getting out of his surprise, Mr. Smith quickly joined the leg with the base. He then proceeded to do the same with arms. Once done, he took out some bandage and patched up the foundation of the arms and the leg.

”The cut will take some time to heal, but you can still try to move the arms and the leg.” - Mr. Smith told Ozul to test the prosthetics.

Ozul may not know, but the prosthetics were not so easy to make. Even experienced people may fail, and not to mention that it required quite an extraordinary amount of rare materials.

Mr. Smith was an expert in this field. He may have retired but did not lose his touch. Ozul would never be able to afford his service with only the pitiful amount of Silver Coins that he had. Ozul may even need a couple of gold coins!

Anyways he tried to move his left leg as he does with the right one.