2 Ozul Ashfall (1/2)

Unknown POV.


The first thing that came into my vision was darkness... More precisely, it was just endless nothingness.

More importantly, what am I?

Why am I thinking?

What is existence? And why do I know of it?

Am I also that? Just nothingness? Nothingness with a conscience?

What do I know of existence? And why am I even curious?

All kinds of thoughts ran through my mind. After a while, I decided to put the notions of 'what am I?' in the back of my mind. Trying to focus on the surroundings, I can only see the endless abyss.

In the end, I found... nothing. What can you even conclude, out of pure emptiness? The only thing I could do was think and feel. And the only feeling I had was affection.

Yes, affection. Like some kind of 'warmth' spreading through me as if the endless darkness is but my extension.

Anyway, that was all I could do. So like any other nothingness with a conscious. I decided to do... nothing. And nothing I did. And nothing pas... I mean, the time passed.

What felt like nothing or so I think passed, I begin to see the light. Something new. Something contradictory to me? I don't know. But I do feel the warmth fading away now.

Moments later, I saw colors. Colors different from white and black. Blurry but colors nonetheless.

And then I saw, felt, and sensed all at the same time. Like the complete emptiness surrounding me was but an illusion. My vision got better in a matter of seconds.

I could see different people gathered around me. An old woman was holding me but with a terrified expression. How do I know she is old or rather a woman at all? I don't know why I know so much.

Anyways, I turned a little to see a beautiful and lovely face looking at me with eyes overflowing with love and a tinge of sadness.

Hmm... what is it that I am feeling? Warmth? Again? Just like the darkness surrounding me. Or even more? I don't know, but the pure bliss I am experiencing does not loose to it.