Chapter 307 - Target Located (1/2)


After last night's incident, a large group of slaves was rescued from the port city near the shore of the north continent of Amphibi, as the large group of former slaves was now within the interior of Erebus, finding themselves inside a beautiful swamp world all for themselves to enjoy, without any dangerous predators nor ugly space pirates.

”Mama! Papa!!!”

”Oh, by the Spirits, it is my you!”


”Oh, dear…”

As all the slaves within the city were gathered, many emotional encounters happened, several of the children that were separated from their parents were reunited with them, or at least one of their relatives. However, there were also many children whose parents had died, and had nowhere waiting for them.

However, Nesephise took into the responsibility to guide them all, welcoming them to her orphanage, and telling the children with her to be supportive and amicable with the new children, many of them were suffering from various traumas already, not only those regarding having lost their parents…

Lilith was brought here to meet the people too, there were many that had suffered a lot, and Abyss and Belphegor thought that it might be a good idea if she could use her Emotion Magic to take away the bad thoughts and memories from them.

She agreed to this decision and ended slowly spreading a pink-colored mist around the two, which was absorbed the people's heads, and over time, many began to forget certain things that were breaking their minds and stopping their thought processes… this was for the best at the moment.

After a day since then, the entire group gathered once more to discuss their next course of action.

”Now that we had dealt with the people and got them, we should quickly move to the place that the one man we caught said they saw the giant frog moving to… If we can intercept it before it reaches any city, it would be for the best…” said Abyss.

”I agree… But is Nesephise sure that her singing works now?” wondered Belphegor.

”I've been practicing in this confined space that Erebus created for me, where time goes faster than outside… Half a day there was a whole week… I've practiced enough, I believe. Although I've practiced it only with small animals… It might be worth giving it a shot…” said Nesephise.

Nesephise had requested Erebus a special space within his dungeon where time went slowly, she wanted it so she could practice her singing through an entire week… after that, she finally grasped the ways to attract the amphibians within the small swamp where she was confined, and it seemed to work properly.

The only thing she needed now is courage, and ”to give it a shot” like Abyss told her before this meeting had started.

”Hm, I suppose that's that then! We should move right away, we had rested more than enough.” said Belphegor.

”I agree, but what about the egg?” asked Natalia.

”The egg is fine, it is within the swamp, it had gotten used to the people by now, and it is often quite playful…” said Erebus.

”Hm, then I suppose we can use the little tadpole to lure the mama out.” Said Natalia.

”Indeed, it is the thing she's most likely looking for, if we show up in there holding the egg, she'll most likely show up… and attack.” Sighed Yuki.

”Ah well yeah, it will most likely try to attack us, but I guess that's fair, seeing how it had done the same with anyone it had ever meet… We have to just evade the attacks and let Nesephise calm the furious mother…” said Abyss.