Chapter 298 - Planning (1/2)


Edward had revealed something he had learned but that couldn't properly share previously due to the exhaustion of the battle they had. He had felt rather dizzy after overusing his Mana to fight, and ended forgetting what he wanted to say, now that his mind was calm and he had eaten and drank something, he had remembered such a thing, and quickly revealed it to everyone.

However, a few questions emerged inside the minds of his allies, as they to wonder how it was possible for these people to speak important things if they were all talking nonsense after having their minds altered by some sort of mind-controlling magic.

Edward had a reasonable answer to such a question.

”The one that told me that didn't seemed to be as affected, in between the insane words I couldn't detect, there were certain things about a giant frog destroying a factory and making a fuss, he was constantly weeping about his Boss being a tyrant as well.” Said Edward.

”Hm, so whatever ability they used in these people, it didn't completely deleted their memories? But even after Rot tried to interrogate them, only strange words came out of their minds and we couldn't discern anything within the chaos of their minds…” sighed Abyss.

”That's indeed the case. I believe that's what happened, they didn't had their minds deleted… their minds were simply thrown into disorder to the point their memories mixed together, this continued to mix together until they were left speaking completely insane things.” Said Edward.

”That makes sense… You're very insightful, Edward!” said Belphegor.

”It is my job as the Librarian to have a good memory, is it only that, I don't consider myself that intelligent.” Sighed Edward.

”What are you talking about? You're pretty smart.” Said Nesephise.

”You're flattering me…” laughed Edward, he had a charming smile. After all, he was an elf, so his beauty was without a question.

”Nonetheless… We were not able to get any useful information out of the other people we captured, right, Rot?” asked Natalia.

”No info… I wasn't able to find anything… useful… Only rubbish words…” said Rot.

”Hmmm… I see, so I suppose there was some luck factor in Edward's case… I don't really remember anything of use from the people we interrogated.” Said Natalia.

”Me neither.” Said Yuki.

”Mine only screamed saying ”Fariinnnnn geeeerrrrrr!” all the time, what is that even?” wondered Boxxy.

”Farin… ger?” wondered Edward.

”Perhaps the name of something? Of someone?” wondered Natalia.