Chapter 193: Another One Bites The Dust (1/2)


Elfaunnia looked desperately at the group of monsters approach, she was trembling deep down even after slaughtering many. Why? Because they never seemed to run out of troops, creatures merely came out of nonexistence in a second through an act of summoning monsters that only dungeons could realistically do.

But the worst thing was that these were no mere monsters but divine beasts. A dungeon capable of producing them in such massive quantities would help any god Makena fortune by harvesting the divine materials from the divine beast corpses. By merely thinking about who could own this massive divine dungeon Elfaunnia felt utter jealously.

She flew across the jungle and was attacked by many disgusting bugs, her entire body was shrouded in deadly venom and bug juices, and she continued to desperately fight back.

The trio watching over her behind the Illusion Veil skill of Chaos, which could reach completely new levels after being used through divine energy looked at the scene in contemplation, they had begun to believe she was quite scared of bugs, not even Ophelia showed such a terrified face as she faced these dragons.

However, that was not all, Ifrit a the side of the pair was also seemingly terrified, he was looking at the bugs while gritting his teeth, his face looked as if he was both cringing and disgusted at the same time.

Chaos and Abyss looked at him weirdly.

”My lords when will be the time I can burn her and the beasts? I cannot muster many minutes seeing such disgusting creatures.” He sighed.

”Ifrit, are you scared of bugs, by any chance?” asked Chaos.

”S-Scared of bugs?! H-HAH! I would never be scared of these disgusting invertebrate and… horrendous… creatures! I've fought worse monsters, even the shapeshifting masses of flesh of the depths of this labyrinth! W-Why would I be scared of bugs? That's such a wrong assumption!” said Ifrit.

”Ah, I see. Sorry.” Said Chaos.

Ifrit however forced a smile as he looked at the scene, Abyss could clearly tell he was utterly disgusted by bugs, and seemingly, it was part of his weakness…

”I can't believe it, a demon from hell is scared of bugs… What did he go through to be scared of Bugs?!” wondered Abys.

Ifrit recalled his past as he had one day came across a race of demons named Beelzebub, who were all horrendous bugs when he was a kid. They had stolen his food and had beaten him to almost death, spitting their disgusting saliva over his body… since that traumatic experience that he had grown a phobia for bugs and would slaughter and burn them all to ashes wherever he saw one.

Chaos recalled that time when there was a cockroach infestation in the castle and Ifrit went absolutely wild while burning them all, the entire castle was cleaned of them in just half a week by he and he alone. Apparently not many felt disgusted by cockroaches, and many didn't even mind them, including Chaos, who only saw them as just ”simple and cute animals trying to live their own lives and not annoying anyone”, but Ifrit took their existence as a personal threat, and had exterminated them all.

The hopes that Chaos had for creating a cockroach monster by mutating them with miasma had become null since then, and he had felt deep sadness when he saw Ifrit genocide his little bug friends.