Chapter 58: Itsuki’s Situation (1/2)

“So, how long are you going to stay over?”

After school, they went shopping, and returned home. They relaxed a little, and Amane looked towards Itsuki who was treating the place like his own house.

Itsuki hardly came by recently as Mahiru had been around. He however had been here a few times, and seemed so familiar with the place.

Itsuki sat cross legged as he drank the coffee, and looked rather decent because of his good looks. He seemed to be thinking of something, for his eyes wandering around.

“Nn, first off, I want to stay for 3 days. That’s troublesome, don’t you say.”

“Your dad isn’t a bad guy or something, just inflexible in accepting other people’s opinions.”

“You can just say outright that he’s a stubborn, bullish shitty dad who’s born in the wrong era here.”

“Hey you.”

“How can I allow my parent to tell off my partner to be?”

I’ll leave the house when I grow older anyway, Itsuki once spat, but he really did not dislike his father.

His father was a man of reason, and once pleased, he would treat others earnestly. The father was acting like this because Chitose displeased him, but he seemed a decent man to Amane.

He did not approve of Itsuki’s relationship with Chitose because they were of a somewhat prestigious family, and he hoped his son would choose a female of appropriate standing.

Also, another reason was that the father was bad at dealing with Chitose.

However, Itsuki was flatly denied by his father, and because of this, it seemed he chose to run away from home.

“You have it good here, Amane. You can do whatever you want.”

“My parents love each other too much, and they want me to choose someone I like.”

“I’m jealous of you.”

Itsuki at this point was a result of his strict upbringing, and Amane could not overly deny that.

According to him, dyeing his hair bright and dressing frivolously was him acting in protest.

“You say that, you really respect your dad, right?”

“I respect him as a person, but he’s hopeless as a parent, right? Oppressing me isn’t going to solve everything…he could have given me a little leeway, but he’s just giving me the whip all the time, of course I’ll bite back.”

“Is it good for the one given leeway to understand this?”

“I can take it if he just let me free, but he caged me and put a collar over me. That’s why I’m protesting, that’s all.”

He doesn’t even understand this even after these decades, Itsuki shrugged, and finished the rest of the coffee.

“Well, you can relax a few days. Luckily we got a few days of break.”

“How nice to have a friend …!”

“Stay away, you disgust me.”

“I’m hurt!I want Shiina-san’s cooking as compensation!”

“You’re going to eat it even if you’re hurt, right?”


“Stop acting cute. It’s disgusting.”

“This scolding is so cruel…oyoyo.”

He pretended to cry, but Itsuki was still smiling, and Amane was stunned yet a little relieved.