Chapter 14: Compressed Biscuits (2/2)
After a pregnant pause, An Qing asked, “Did you ask him information about the villa? And, are you really sure that he is the eldest son?”
“I think it’s him because there was only one door in the cellar and I only heard his voice.” Regarding this matter, Su Xiaoqian is fairly certain, “Actually, I think that maybe he and the second son are the most normal people among the family. Although he is a little crazy, constantly yelling and throwing out words, he and the second son both don’t like eating dead mice and cats, which is enough to prove that they are real people.”
“Not necessarily.” After listening to what Su Xiaoqian had to say, Bai Yan considered it for a moment and abruptly looked up, “If they are both normal, why is he locked up in the cellar while the second son is not?”
“Being forced to eat dead mice all day and every day, regular people will surely lose sanity.” Su Xiaoqian said, “Well if it were me, I would definitely go insane.”
“Everyone needs to eat, even during years of famine, but not everyone goes crazy because of it.” Just as he finished speaking, Bai Yan felt that there was something amiss with his thoughts, so he quickly corrected himself, “But you are correct, there may be other reasons that we don’t know of why the eldest son is currently locked up.”
“So, did you ask about the villa? Did he talk about his parents?” Bai Yan asked.
“No, if he had said anything, I would have already told you.” Su Xiaoqian shook her head sadly, “His mental state is really problematic. Except for going crazy, shouting for me to go out, repeating that he isn’t insane, and avoiding the food I brought for him, it would be pointless asking him since he doesn’t answer them.”
After saying her piece, Su Xiaoqian expressed that she really didn’t know anything else.
The eldest son’s abnormal behavior made everyone realize that something important must have happened to him, which may correlate with their current game.
After a brief discussion, the group decided to continue to come into contact with the eldest son and see if his rationale could be restored in the hopes of him revealing unknown information.
Of course, due to their duties as staff of the household, this difficult task was unfortunately handed over to Su Xiaoqian.
As the villa’s maid, she delivers three meals to the eldest son in a day, therefore, giving her plenty of opportunities to get in touch with him.
At the mention of the meal delivery, Su Xiaoqian’s expression changed again. She remembered the disgusting dish and almost got sick. But as noon fell, she got a little hungry and asked everyone, “What do we eat for lunch? Break time is about to end, and I don’t want to work on an empty stomach. “
“Here, compressed biscuits.”
Bai Yan threw her a ground meat-flavored pack, and Su Xiaoqian quickly ripped the packaging open and stuffed the contents into her mouth, not getting even a small amount of taste.
While Su Xiaoqian was busy eating, the other people, who didn’t feel like eating, also saw the need to eat. After all, they still had a whole afternoon of work that needed to be done. If they didn’t eat now, it was plausible for them to encounter something later but not have enough strength to deal with it.
As everyone was quietly eating the biscuits, An Qing bit hers while sharing to everyone, “Oh yes, there is still one more thing. Since everyone was discussing, I didn’t have time to bring it up earlier. But when I was searching through several rooms today, I saw bits of dried blood on the headboard. The bloodstains were dried up for a long time, so the color of the bed board was very dark. So much so that I almost missed it.”
“I personally think that these rooms are all servant’s rooms, and the people living here were all servants, so it was most likely that the blood belonged to the earlier workers.” An Qing heaved a stress-filled sigh, “The madam previously said that those people’s actions were not swift, and their hands and feet were not clean, so they were dismissed. Now, it seems like they weren’t fired normally, as they were likely killed off.”
“In this villa, it was already difficult for them to leave normally. If there were no problems, why would the game put us in here?” Bai Yan’s eyes grew brighter as he said a devastating fact, “If the dead were really the departed staff… then we don’t need to think about what happens when we make a mistake. If we don’t complete the game’s tasks, the ghosts in this villa will send us all to hell.”
Defensivecake/ Bee: Hallu!!! I’ve decided to switch back to the original schedule, so I’ll be posting chapters every Saturday and Sunday 8 AM GMT+8 starting next week.