47 Acting Like Tourists (1/2)
Ruby shook those ridiculous thoughts free. Skye hadn't known what she was talking about. There was nothing weird about their relationship at all.
She made it back to the hotel room and opened the door to see Ash playing around on his phone. He looked up and smiled cheerfully at her, that little braid she left in his hair hanging over his left shoulder as he held up his phone for her to see.
”Look, I beat my previous high score in this game!”
Ruby smiled fondly at his enthusiasm. ”Good job, that's even higher than mine! Did you figure out a place for us to go?”
”Yes. There is an aquarium in one of these hotels that includes a shark tunnel. I might not be able to take you with me to search for mermaids but at the very least you can feel like you are underwater there,” Ash said seriously.
A warm, fuzzy feeling filled her heart because he remembered a conversation they had weeks ago. He could be surprisingly thoughtful at times.
”That's a great idea,” Ruby told him. ”Let's go.”
Flint slept in way too long. By the time he woke up and began staking out that corridor in the Bellagio again there was no activity from behind the door at all and a 'Do Not Disturb' sign was on the doorknob.
If he had to guess, the vampire was sleeping. So where was his ungrateful runaway niece?!
He had to move around a few times so other guests didn't get suspicious but he ended up watching their door until Ruby showed up around 6:30 PM. She went in for a few minutes and came out with the vampire in tow.
Acting would be impossible while the vampire was with her. What he needed to do was wait until they were separated. It would have been better if he caught Ruby alone during daylight hours but it might still be possible to get away with this if he nabbed her on the way to the bathroom or something.
They ended up walking down to Excalibur and took the free tram all the way to Mandalay Bay, chatting freely as they went. Flint had to take precautions not to lose them but also not to get noticed.
He was wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses but since it was dark out it was fairly conspicuous. He didn't care what other tourists thought of him though as long as Ruby didn't recognize him before he was able to knock her out.
The two of them headed to the aquarium inside Mandalay Bay and bought tickets before heading inside. What did they think they were doing?! A fairy and a vampire had no reason so be spending time together in the first place and they were totally acting like tourists!
Flint gritted his teeth. He really didn't have money to spare on a ticket. Were there any alternate exits they could leave through or would it be alright for him to wait here until they came out?