80 So Many (1/2)

”Good morning Jonah. What do you mean, ready for what?” Han Jie asked, smiling at Jonah.

Han Jie tapped the bed space beside her feet, inviting Jonah to have a seat. Jonah looked reluctantly at the bed space. He had big news, and he didn't want to be too close to Han Jie to announce it.

Jonah crossed to the room to the bed, sitting a safe distance away from Han Jie's shorthands.

”What's up?” Han Jie asked, leaning back against her pillows, further away from Jonah.

Jonah barely held in his sigh of relief. ”I have news.” He said, still leaning away from Jonah for safety purposes.

”What? What is it? Did you track her?” Han Jie asked her eyes, already sparkling with joy at the thought of seeing her twin again. But there was worry as well since Han Mei clearly did not want to be bothered.

Jonah shook his head, dimming the lights in Han Jie's eyes.

”So, what is it?” Han Jie asked in a sulking voice.

”There's going to be a party today. It was moved today instead of tomorrow…” Jonah began solemnly. Han Jie stared at him suspiciously.

Han Jie cocked her head to the side, before asking, ”Really?” Han Jie asked, still sulking that Jonah had not found her sister. She knew the party that Jonah was referring to. It was supposed to be the engagement party for her sister.

'Shoot… She is not aware of it yet…' Han Jie realized as she made a mental note to bombarded Han Mei voicemail messages again to let her know. She was so excited earlier to mention it immediately. Her sister was also in so much hurry as well.

Jonah nodded, watching her carefully.”Yeah. Maybe I should get you something to drink. Sweet tea, Miss? Before we continue to talk?” Jonah said, jumping off the bed, almost too excited for Han Jie.

She frowned. It seemed like there was more to it than what she thought. ”What's going on, Jonah?” Han Jie asked, sounding worried. Jonah looked at everywhere, and this action of this had raised Han Jie's suspicion.

”It's bad, isn't it?” Han Jie asked quietly.

”Not really, no,” Jonah muttered before dragging his hand through his hair. ”Er… It just that…”

”Oi! Spit it out already.” Han Jie said disgruntled.

”When your sister prepares for an event like this… ”Jonah began before trailing off.

”Okay? Go on. What happens, Jonah?” Han Jie, her curiosity was piqued. She was almost always never available during big parties like this, except if it was all family.

Jonah swallowed nervously and mumbled something Han Jie couldn't hear.

”I didn't catch that.” Han Jie said, wondering what all the fuzz was about just for a party.

”She hires a team of professionals,” Jonah said slightly louder. More like a whisper.

”For what?” Han Jie asked curiously. The frown on her face deepened.

Hair, makeup, spa. The whole deal of beauty ritual, Miss.” Jonah finally said.

Jonah took a step back.

”But what has that got to do with me?” Han Jie asked when Jonah didn't say anything.

”Since you're pretending to be her and all that... ” Jonah began again before trailing off again.

Han Jie slumped fully into the pillows at her back. There was a long silence before she asked, ”What else?” Her eyes narrowed at him warningly.

Jonah rolled his eyes at her. 'It was not even my plan.' He thought to himself before he released a deep heavy sigh, ”The party is bigger than the original plan.” Jonah said honestly.

”How big is bigger?” She asked, as she subconsciously grinds her teeth repeatedly.

He looked at the ceiling as if thinking before speaking, ”Probably around 200 people?”

”What?! Why so many?” Han Jie could not help but exclaim. She don't crowd as well as not used to being their focus of attention. Not to mention that hundreds of people. ”I thought it was only 20 or less…” She muttered, feeling defeated, while hugging her pillow.

”But it will only happen once. When Miss Mei is back, you don't need to deal with it.” He assured with a smile, but deep down complaining. This persuading task was not supposed to be his job. Sadly Han Jun, who was supposed to do it, might just anger Han Jie further.

Still, why didn't Han Jun tell Han Jie himself? 'SOB.' Jonah cussed Han Jun in his head.

Well, he also could not remove the possibility that if Han Jie got upset, she might decide to run away as well? They could not have that, so Jonah needed to do it to make his life easier.

”Miss, don't-”

”I will go.” Han Jie said, filling said her expression full of reluctance.