66 Twin Telepathy? (1/2)

Han Feng was not aware of it at first and only learned about it in his recent meeting with Suzuki Kyou. He had demanded to know if Suzuki Kyou was really gay, aiming to use it so that her daughter could back out of the engagement.

But the Suzuki Kyou had threatened him, not even caring that he would is his future father-in-law.

Han Feng felt guilty for fooling the man. He also felt confused. If Suzuki Kyou really liked Han Mae since before, won't it be so easy to notice the lie? Yet, so far, Suzuki Kyou did not mention anything about it as if he was completely unaware that something was different.

Or Han Jie was just good on acting like her sister? They are twins, after all.

”What is she doing in City S?” Han Jie loudly questioned that cut off Han Feng's thoughts.

After releasing a very heavy sigh, ”I wish I know,” Han Feng stated as he looked at Han Jie. Before, it was always Han Jie who gave him a headache, but she still always inform him what she was about to do despite knowing that he would not agree to it.

Yet, Han Mae that was always obedient, did not even bother telling him at all. Was he a heartless father? Did she think that he would really not understand?

”Daddy, I want to go there to look for her personally.” Han Jie suddenly declared. She then stood up as if planning to dash back to her room before he could refuse.

”Stay here! Don't cause more trouble! If my people can't even find her immediately, what more even if you get added to the search party?” He asked with annoyance.

Han Jie frowned, ”How could you say that without me even trying?”

”Did she returned your phone calls?” Han Feng asked instead of answering. ”If she did not, then you running there is useless.

”City S might be a decent city. However, it was silently known by everyone that there were underhanded rules between gangs, illegal activities, and corrupt local government. Even illegal medical practices, there were sometimes tolerated.

Han Feng avoided dealing with City S. It was also probably the reason why it took sometime before his men learned the news about Han Mae staying there. In the even Han Jie went there, he could not guarantee her safety.

”But twins have this special conn-”

”No, buts. Don't use this twin's telepathy on me. You are needed here. Help Kyou fix the issue regarding the fake news. Our family will be the one to look for your sister.” He commanded.

Han Jie did not answer as she really wanted to go to City S.

”Do you understand me?” He asked. When Han Jie still did not reply, he added, ”Do not worry. Nothing is wrong with MaeMae. Though your twin telepathy won't work as a GPS, you would still feel something if your sister is not well, right?”

With this in mind, Han Jie felt so much better. The worry eased, and then she started to plan on what to do to find her sister. Having a starting point was still good.

”Our own PR team will talk to you tomorrow and give you advice on how to handle this. Learn everything that they say quickly. Cooperate with them.” Han Feng said seriously.

”Of course, I won't give nightmares. I can assure you.” Han Jie replied with a small smile.

Ignoring her remark, ”Han Jun will be leaving tomorrow.” Han Feng said, staring at his daughter.

Han Feng knew Han Jun cooperated with her earlier. Tomorrow Han Jun would be traveling towards City S, so there would be fewer people to help her.

He also knew Han Jie never like the spotlight. However, if there would be a press conference, Han Jie might need to go and step up her acting.

”I saw him earlier. He just left.” Han Jie said with wonder. ”Are you not aware?”

Han Feng hummed, ”I know. He will be back later and leave again tomorrow.” He said dismissively, before asking with a frown, ”Why do you keep changing the color of your hair?”

Han Jie giggled at what her father said. The expression on his face was actually almost the same as Han Jun when he saw her current hair color.

”It was for disguise, father. The paparazzi could be anywhere, and I don't want another news about me tomorrow.” Han Jie said cheekily. She then stiffened suddenly, after remembering something.

Han Jie remembered Suzuki Kyou's butterfly kiss from earlier. Isn't that done so that paparazzi have something to write for tomorrow?

She suddenly felt like having a headache. It seems she would be in the headline again, soon.

”It worked?” Han Feng asked curiously. Han Jie looked like someone who would get everyone's attention with only her bright pink hair color. Yet, no one realized that it was her?

”Of course, it worked. Even JunJun did not recognize me immediately.” Han Jie said proudly, before laughing hard.