27 Playing with Fire (1/2)
A little earlier…
”Bai Min! Just cut this out!” Han Jie screamed in frustrated. She still had hands raised above her head, where her dress seemed to be stuck.
Han Jie's dextrose was still connected to her other hand and that was why she needed Bai Min to help her remove the dress and replace it with something more comfortable.
”What should I cut?” Bai Min asked sarcastically while getting a medical scissors.
The dress looked good if it fit better and would not choke the one who needs to take it off eventually. Was it the dress fault or was it Han Jie who had caused her current misfortune?
Aside from that, who in their right mind, decides to wrap their stomach in packaging tape?
Bai Min was still considering what to do when the door opened and Jonah stepped in frantically.
This made Bai Min and Han Jie turn. Then the door opened again, and when Bai Min saw who was the first to step in, he began to mutter about his death that might happen soon. If not death, he might be fired.
”What are you doing?!” Han Feng yelled furiously.
Bai Min flinched at that and returned to his senses. He immediately stepped away from the bed.
Suzuki Kyou's cold eyes turned to Bai Min causing him to move away from Han Jie further.
Bai Min felt the frost from where he was standing. He swallowed nervously.
”Ah! Father! Get out!” Han Jie was still struggling with her dress covering her face that was making her unaware of who else was inside the room.
Then Han Jie added, ”Father! Can't you see? I am trying to remove this killer dress! Can you wait outside first?” She asked almost exasperated over the dress that was too hard for her to remove. ”How did I wear this again?' Han Jie thought to herself.
”Fine! Let's go!”
Han Jie released a sigh of relief when she heard her father's voice. She had assumed that he left with Jonah. ”Bai Min! Cut this now hurry!” Han Jie demanded.
Han Jie felt her dress was slowly being cut. She sighed in relief when parts of the dress dropped, allowing her to breathe properly.