284 Bed Her And Kill The Rest Of The Heir (1/2)
There was nothing on her now anyway. Everything was on him. He forced her into a relationship when she clearly resisted! She smirked in the kiss.
It was even better than the deal that was presented to her before. She can easily pull the victim card now. All she did was give in to immense pressure from her hostile tormentor and what could she do in captivity?!
This! This is what she will tell her Master and then she just needed to pull the right buttons and Li Yuan would deal with her fiancé and adopted family. Later she will deal with Li Yuan herself!
Her fiancé was influential, ruthless, a bastard, and far from a decent man. If she really went through the marriage will him, she will be nothing but a means to an end for him. An easy pawn, an opening in Asia. All he had to do was bed her and eliminate the rest of the heirs and the title, resources, an army will fall right in his lap.
Sure they had grown close over the years but not this close that she will play right into his hand! In the end, he was thinking about his gain too and in this boold bath, she will not allow an outsider to scream 'checkmate'!
It was cruel, pathetic on many levels to be using Li Yuan like this but she wasn't an honest woman to begin with. She had breathed since her first breath in a world of power, wealth, and deceit. All her life she has seen, blood traded and religions sold, beliefs bought so it was bound she was to learn a thing or two.
The man sucking the life out of her wasn't a fair man either. He was playing her too. He wanted her to bind her to him, maybe for the Lei's unclaimed territory or execution of shared power, it was a mystery to her.
In any case, at the moment, he was the strongest player on the board and it was apparent she would use him as a shield.
He was kissing her rough, as a rabid beast making a claim. She was submissive, letting him have his share of dominance on her. The man did wicked things with that crude mouth of his, not that she wasn't into rough play.
She couldn't help but notice that today his kiss was different, more feral like her some words have unleashed a beast in him.
Like his other touches, he didn't refrain his hands to her waist or sides anymore. His hands explored.
Every curve from her ample breast to her generous hips, he explored like a man on an adventure. She moaned her encouragements and he took it critically.
With hunger and desperation, he pulled her closer to him on his lap and his raging heated boner poked her as if trying to entice her too and she would be damned if her own need didn't make her wet.
When her lungs burnt with the lack of oxygen she pushed on his chest to set her free then slid off his lap. It was neither time nor place to move forward with him and he seems to share the sentiment with her as he gave her space and tried to rein in his obvious need of flesh.
She breathed hard with him and her eyes raked the man. He was manly, handsome, and dominating. He could be her ticket out of all of this and he could be her ticket to a depthless abyss that would suck her all.
She was apprehensive as she was anticipating. He was no saint but he had given her no reason to doubt him except that he was too dotingly good with her. And she knew by experience that you always needed to be more cautious of the ones who are good to you than the ones who don't veil their emotions to you.