241 Old Married Couple Quarrels (1/2)
They passed several hallways and just when she was about to bolt out to save her siblings she saw her their figures dumped on the porch tilled floor, unconscious.
Li Yuan cursed under his breath. He had indicated his man to bring them in; it didn't mean he wanted them to be dumped here. It was supposed to improve his slate and now his little Queen found another reason to blow upon him.
Life really didn't give him breaks! How long was it, six hours, that he was in grief!
A gasp left her and her feet halted, she ran in their direction and checked their pulse and any injuries sustained. They were dandy just the drug messing with their system.
A sense of serenity and glee spread in her heart looking at her only real relatives in the world. They weren't her blood and when her own blood was out for her blood they were running around looking for her. Well technically He Zheng was a distant relative so was Su Qing but they were closer than anything she ever had to a family.
After a momentary calmness, her mood turned sour. Once assured that they were just passed out, she turned her razor-sharp glare to Li Yuan. She stood up and walked up to him till they were toe to toe. She craned her neck to glare him in the eye, narrowing her unique twin moons into slits.
She poked her finger in his chest and gritted, ”Li Yaun, I tolerate many things but disrespect like my family is your f*cking scrapes is not something I can stomach.” He narrowed his eyes at her as his face darkened.
'Either she was delusional or she was outright crazy. He had been going around like her f*cking puppy nipping at her feet, wagging his tail at her whims since she has been here. If only he wasn't compelled by his heart he would show her how he treated his 'scrapes'.'
She gave him a mocking scoff, poking his chest with every word, ”Your mother and grandmother fu*king play me like a rag doll whenever they get a chance, humiliating and insulting me and not to mention your all too mighty psycho grandfather!”
She threw hands up in exasperation, ”But still I show them utter respect and gives them exclusive protocol but you…you don't do the same for my family! All the time you go insulting them! Is that how you will treat them if they come here to visit me by paralyzing and terrorizing them; maybe you should kick me out like them too!”
He quirked up his brow at her in disbelief, she was being overly dramatic, it was the first time he was officially seeing her family for the first time!
Li Yuan heard her and then couldn't help but sarcastically chuckle in disbelief, and grab her finger that was poking his chest in his fist, ”Utter respect? Exclusive protocol? You think I don't know what games you play when we visit them, coiling them in insults but instead of tattling to me they tolerate you…”
But as much as she was uncultured and straight-forward brazen in her speech, his family didn't make it any easy for her too.