232 A Gentleman (1/2)

Lei Xinyi was staring out of the window in thought and Li Yuan was gazing at her, the temperature was moderate in the car with nothing but silence between them.

There was a divider between them and Ji Zhou and Fan Bingbing who were on the front seats. Li Yuan's Mansion was two hours away from this secluded area so it was a very long distance that they had to cross.

She was trying to wrap her head around all that had gone around and Li Yuan was trying to wrap his head around what she was thinking.

He wanted to bind her to him but if he was a little pushy she would slide out of his hold, he had to get her to sign the contract then enforce her in the position beside him and quietly and sneakily slid in her heart.

There was nothing more guarded than her heart, she would never trust anyone with it but this will have to change

His heart yearned to have her in his arms but even if there was hardly inches between, she was miles away from him, metaphorically.

He wanted to be skin to skin to his Raven but didn't want her to be aware, she was preparing for her impending death as the game of the Lei's proceeds. She was living one day at a time just so she has a present because she thought she didn't have a future. Li Yuan clenched his fist and his insides stormed in turmoil.

This thinking process of her had to change. There was no way any of the Lei's were coming close to even her shadow, especially now that he knew who they were. He would kill them all before they even tried to lift a finger on her.

But Su Qianwei and Yu Wang were his relatives, Jiang Cheng and He Zheng were Lei Xinyi's brothers…

At least he could deal with Yi Yang for the moment and keep a keen eye on the others. One down four to go.

”Don't kill him.” Lei Xinyi's voice penetrated the tense still air between them.

Li Yuan snapped his head to her and sharply questioned, ”Who?”

He knew who she was talking about but he needed to confirm that she knew before promising anything or alleging.

Lei Xinyi turned her face to him and rolled her eyes, ”My cousin.”

For a moment he just stared at her. He was going to kill him anyway, a murder attempt is as same as an actual murder that is warranted with a death sentence!

He pursed his lips as the air thickened between them and Li Yuan's face visibly darkened in rage, Lei Xinyi felt the charged tension electrocute her but stood her firm ground.


She glared at him for a while in an intense game of eye to eye before she decided to bent for her douche bag cousin's life, ”I will talk reason, he is useful. Besides, I know you know of the 'Games' and once an Heir is murdered, all the other heirs are notified and that is when his name is revealed.”

Li Yuan just glared at her in reply, she huffed out a breath and compromised, ”Do anything you like but no permanent damage, just make sure to keep him on his feet.”

They stared at each other for a while and exchanged a promise, Lei Xinyi nodded and stared back at the passing lights blurring into lines, it was late and the roads were vacant like the valley of her heart.

She didn't regret it, she knew it was high time it was done but now the Lei's Head has a loose end. After the injuries Yi Yang sure will retaliate and then she will have to do something about it. Or…perhaps she wouldn't have to!

She turned back to Li Yuan who was glaring at the glass, she wanted to roll her eyes at his sulking, ”Li Yuan.” She called out to him.

He didn't even turn to her but his glare intensified, if only he was superman and his glare could laser drill the glass!

Lei Xinyi frowned and huffed, ”Listen or don't listen, up to you.” She too started to glare the same glass-window, ”I just wanted to say that you can keep him imprisoned forever if you liked.”

Li Yuan ignored her for a while, he was angry at her defending a man who almost killed her and she was still caring for him like he was some innocent alleged man so he opted to silence. He didn't want to say or do anything that will hurt her in his anger.