89 Sketchy Raven (1/2)

As Lei Xinyi shut the walk-in closet Li Yuan felt like a trance was broken. He was standing there like some love-sick puppy with a goofy smile.

On the realization his smile immediately vanished and a sinister look took over. The woman was controlling him in more ways than one.

Half laying on her bed Li Yuan thought about the hard week he had with all the elders nagging him because of this woman, when he get his hands on her he will definitely make her pay for it.

He had confidential meetings all week long. The Head Quarter in Japan had issues that he will have to deal with too. He hardly had the strength or time to breathe and here this stubborn woman ignored him like a plague even when he requested her presence by personally coming to her house.

In their twenty three years of engagement he had never as much as entered the Lu's living room but when he comes she b*tch with him like that!

She was no neglected fiancée whose presence he disregarded for years.

The episode that day in the conference room and her adamancy on not looking at his face by then was shouting proof of the fact that she was no clingy push-over.

She was cunning and manipulative. Like a kind of person who shoots with the revolver on someone else's shoulder. She had been playing Master Lu like some lalaloopsy doll for weeks now by twisting the occurrence with words.

She was hiding too many things. The strength she used and the fluency she had in her moves was a perfect testimony of that. It took years of practice to reach that level.

He had investigated her and the information is a hundred percent correct.

But the problem is what is in the papers opposes what meets the eye. First it was really intriguing to know what the other sides the goody-two shoes had but now it was getting on his nerves.

He could see the woman wasn't a fire-red fierce independent woman. This woman was crimson-red predator. She clearly had an agenda but there was no use asking she would straight deny all allegations and will know the eggs in his basket.

First that incident in the club, it was like she knew it all along. She was that sharp that she recoiled Jiang Qinqin in her own game that also all the while playing victim, such a clean revenge!

And not to forget her good fighting skills and how she almost killed a man in that club when Lu Xinyi had never even slapped a person before in her whole twenty two years.

So what changed this year? Nobody's personality undergoes such a drastic change in such a short span. There is definitely something wrong here either the records lie or the woman has been too clever to….

The door of the walk-in closet opened breaking his trains of thoughts but he didn't move an inch he had to get a hold of his self. He sensed movement in the room but didn't react at all and kept his eyes closed.

Eventually he felt the bed beside him dip, ”I am not going to beat around the bush so let's be clear, no matter if you even choke me with that pillow over there I am not going back to that hellhole of a place.” He heard Lei Xinyi snarled by his side.

Lei Xinyi was sitting lotus style place beside him. She knew there was no reason prolonging the inevitable conversation.

Li Yuan laid there with his hands behind his head and eyes closed without an ounce of reaction at her words. Lei Xinyi felt irked immediately and hissed, ”How did you even get here. You should know if I were to shout right now…”

Lei Xinyi stopped midway as a sinister smirk formed on Li Yuan's face. And he said opening his eyes, ”I got here climbing the same wall you use to sneak at night.”

His words had her stiffening immediately and she felt herself turning cold. Instinctively she moved closer to her pillow which had the dagger beneath it.

Lei Xinyi was no martyr. She would kill him without a second thought. If it's anyone's life coming to a bargain, she will always trade for hers.

He knew…and he knew more than he let on. He is dangerous and a threat. The wheels in her mind turned immediately. The place wasn't safe anymore if she survived this she is escaping out of their lives at the first chance she got.

There was no use denying. ”If that's your way of threatening me that's too less dirt you got on me for a proper bargain.” Lei Xinyi said sarcastically.

In a swish moment Li Yuan eyes opened and threw Lei Xinyi on the bed. Lei Xinyi who had her hand already on the pillow immediately took out the dagger from underneath and brought it to his throat before falling flat on the bed.

Gritting her teeth Lei Xinyi said, ”Back off You F*cker, or I will kill you.”

Li Yuan had both his hands on the bed supporting his weight. Smirking he was not a least bit fazed by the situation at all.