2 Prison Luxuries (1/2)

Thirteen hours later from the event.

In the dimly lit hallway with rocky walls, like the old traditional dungeons a man followed by six sub coordinates walked with all the pride and dignity he was known for.

Passing several cells with laser bars and fingerprint or eye scan locks, obviously non-contrasting to its decor, the man came to halt in front of the most 'luxurious' cell, they owned.

Unlike his sharp and cock-a-hoop self, he seemed rather aggressive, like forced to suppress his rage. Then with a deep sigh turned to the guards and keepers of the prison and asked in his deep and stern voice. ”Are they inside?”

”Yes Sir!”They replied with straight expressionless faces in a single voice. Though it was already reported, his sub coordinate nonetheless replied knowing it was not their place to comment.

”She.... Is she inside too?” With impatience dripping from his stern tone he asked.

”Yes Sir!” They replied with the same robotic tone, knowing well who 'she' was referred to but not daring to mind their Master's business.

With a deep sigh he finally did an eye scan and entered. There he saw two sleeping figures on chairs with their hands bowed backward and ankle bind to the legs of the chair. His eye lingered a second longer on 'HER' then was torn away.

Then his eyes moved to their 'luxurious cell' with blood stench and blood stained walls. Then to showcases with deadly torturing equipments and finally to the command board that controlled functions in the cell including the atmosphere.

Everything about this place screamed pain worse than death.

Then he finally looked up to the innocent face of the cold woman. She looked helpless and in the most vulnerable position he had ever seen this proud woman. His gaze softened for a moment but only for a moment before hardening again.