103 The poison (1/2)
Bai Yun's face changed when he heard the message. In a moment it turned harsh and serious.
”Where are you right now?” He sent a message back to Bai Shi.
Bai Shi immediately send back the address. They were in a remote area of Yellow city.
”Dad I need your help.” Bai Yun said. ” A couple of my friends are in trouble. They have been poisoned. I need you to get me to them.”
Before Bai Mu could respond, Bai Tianji cut in, ”Where are they? I'll just bring them here.”
Bai Yun gave the location Bai Shi provided him with to Bai Tianji. Bai Tianji then disappeared in front of his eyes. He used the teleportation ability available to dao step cultivators to fetch the two of them.
After a few moments, Bai Tianji appeared once again. He then wrapped up Bai Yun and Bai Mu in his power and teleported them to another room. When Bai Yun came to, he saw that he was standing in a large room with only a bed in the middle. Bai Ling-er was lying on the bed and Bai Shi was standing next to her looking worried and confused. He was looking around vigilantly. He was surprised because he was suddenly transported to a new place without any explanation.
”Young master Yun.” Bai Shi cried out when he saw Bai Yun. His mind was pretty good. He was able to adapt pretty quickly to the change in scenery.
”What happened to Bai Ling-er?” Bai Yun asked while he studied Bai Ling-er's condition.
Bai Shi then took a deep breath and explained what had happened.
It seems that the two of them were investigating the soul shaker orb. They found someone who claimed to know about the soul shaker orb and was present during its sale. The man they found was interested in selling that information for money.
The two of them met up with the guy in order to make the exchange. But the two of them did not expect that the exchange was actually a trap. Thankfully Bai Ling-er figured out the truth quickly and they were able to escape. And thanks to the movement technique Bai Yun had given them, they were much faster than the people who were attacking them. The other party had only sent people at the qi condensation realm to make the exchange in order to not alarm the two of them. So the two of them were able to escape to a safe place. But during the chase, Bai Ling-er was hit by a poisonous powder from the enemy and fell into a stupor. Bai Shi did not know what to do and immediately contacted Bai Yun.
When Bai Mu heard that the two of them found traces of the soul shaker orb, he was surprised. He hadn't found anything even after investigating for so long. He then explained the situation to a confused Bai Tianji, who didn't know the background of the situation with the soul shaker orb, and left for the place the meet was supposed to take place. He wanted to see if he could find out some information from the people there.
”Great grandfather you must know some people who could help detoxify the poison in Bai Ling-er right?” Bai Yun asked Bai Tianji. ”Could you ask one of them to help out?”
Bai Tianji walked up to Bai Ling-er and took her pulse. He stood there for a while. The longer he stood there, the more he frowned.
”Did she run for a long time while suppressing the poison in her?” Bai Tianji finally asked.
”Yes.” Bai Shi said. He could see that there was something wrong from the way Bai Tianji asked the question.
”This kind of poison is not too much trouble usually.” Bai Tianji explained. ”I could easily expel such a poison with my power. But the problem is compounded by the fact that she suppressed the poison for too long. It has entered her marrows. In fact, I am quite impressed by this little girl's determination. She must have been in agony while the poison entered her marrows. She then kept on suppressing it instead of passing out as a normal person should.”
”Thus the problem was created. It has spread all over her body and entered deep into her marrows. I reckon that she has an hour to live, maybe two at most. But this poison is specifically synthesized using an unusual combination. Even the best alchemist would take longer than the time she has left to prepare an antidote for this poison.”
”And her body is too weak for me to try to use my power to force the poison out. The backlash alone will kill her. Honestly, I cant see a way to save her at all.” Bai Tianji explained.
Bai Shi went pale when he heard Bai Tianji. Bai Shi and Bai Ling-er grew up together. Their bond was stronger than that of siblings. He could not bear to have the thought of her passing so early.
”But still you should call an alchemist anyway. Who knows if they could save her.” Bai Yun said.
Bai Tainji nodded and disappeared. Bai Yun then sat down next to Bai Ling-er and took her pulse. He send his perception into Bai Ling-er's body. The more he sensed, the more he could see that what Bai Tinaji said was true. Even with his experience, he could not see any method to save her. But he didn't major in alchemy. His only hope was that someone else could save her.
A few minutes passed by as the condition of Bai Ling-er worsened. Suddenly Bai Tianji appeared alongside another man. Bai Yun quickly got out of the way, while the old man who came back with Bai Tianji took Bai Ling-ers pulse. After a few moments, he shook his head.
”There is nothing I can do.” The old man finally said.
Bai Yun frowned when he heard this. ”There must be some precious items in the clan's treasury that can heal her right?” Bai Yun asked the old man.