Book 2: Chapter 10: Time and Coffee Heals All Wounds (1/2)
Dan waited by the airport gate as Abby's plane taxi'd down the runway. The two towers still stood in Dimension A, and airport security had never been adjusted. Not that it needed to be. Between sophisticated x-rays and various upgrades, it was close to impossible to sneak something past airport security.
Dan nervously fiddled with the bouquet of roses clutched tight in his hand. It felt moderately surreal, standing right outside the gate. Forbidden, like Dan was committing some great crime and people were simply waiting to pass judgement. Then he looked around, at the hustle and bustle of the crowd, at the families assembled at each gate, waiting for loved ones to return, and remembered where he was.
The airport was much the same as any he'd been to before. Dan saw none of the technological marvels here that seemed so widespread in Dimension A. He imagined that most of the innovations in aircraft had been reserved for the military. Abby's plane was a little sleeker, a little slimmer, a little sharper, but it was nothing like the literal jet fighter that she'd taken to her family reunion. It was commercial, civilian, common as common could be. She had even flown coach, for reasons he really didn't understand.
Above the gate, letters scrolled on SmartPaint: Arrivals departing.
Somebody had an odd sense of humor.
Dan waited patiently as people filed out of the gate. It was a smaller flight that Dan would have expected, leaving from Atlanta to Austin. The former city had recovered quite a bit since the villain attack the previous summer. Nearly two square miles of downtown, burnt almost out of existence. Yet now, only a year later, and things were just about back to normal. Signs still lingered, of course, and nobody had truly recovered, but life went on. That's just what it did.
People here were strong in that way. Too used to dealing with tragedy.
Abby stepped out of the gate, and all of Dan's miserable thoughts were drowned by her presence. She wore her hair pulled back in its usual high ponytail, showing off her perfect neckline and clavicle. Her top was a thin, airy blouse, with a plunging neckline that Dan immediately fixated on. She wore blue jeans and boots with a short heel. It put her just under his eye level. Rolling along behind her was the tiny, sky blue suitcase she'd brought with her.
Her gaze wandered the crowd until it fell on him. Dan felt a dopey smile crossing his face, matched by the one emerging on hers. She blitzed across the distance in a heartbeat, slamming into him with a joyous cry of ”Danny!”
The force of her hug rocked him backwards, but he was well practiced by now at staying upright. He held her tight, and breathed in her jasmine and vanilla perfume. People snickered nearby at the open display of affection, but he didn't care at all. All was right again with the world.
They took a taxi home. Dan didn't own a car—Why bother?—and Abby had sold hers in Georgia. That was something he needed to fix at some point. He couldn't always teleport places, as much as he enjoyed it. Nor would he allow himself to be ferried everywhere. Dan was one of those paranoid people who couldn't stand it when others drove him around. It made him nervous, though Abby was doing a terrific job of distracting him.
Eventually, they arrived at Dan's castle house. Abby bounced through the doorway immediately scooping up a waiting Merrill and depositing the mouse on her head. Dan followed her in, locking the door. His girlfriend beelined towards the kitchen, and dug through one of their cabinets. She emerged with a vase in her hand, and she deposited Dan's roses into it. She took a lungful of air, then beamed at him.
”I missed you,” she said simply.
Dan smiled like an idiot.
Abby's face fell slightly. ”About this afternoon... are you okay?”
”I'm better, now,” Dan said, wrapping her in a hug.
They transferred to the couch, snuggling together while they talked.
”Connor was pretty shook up,” Dan said. ”He knew one of the victims. Recommended one of the stores that got hit, in fact.”
”Poor kid,” Abby replied sadly.
”I really don't know what to do about it,” Dan continued. ”What's a friend supposed to say to make that better?”
She leaned her head against his shoulder, gazing up at him. Her hair tickled his chin. Her breath was soft and warm, and smelled like mint.
”There's nothing you can say,” she told him. ”Just be a friend. Time will do the rest.”
”Yeah,” Dan murmured. He stared at her, those bright amber pools filled with love.
He leaned in. Their lips met.
Evening arrived. Dan and Abby were in the kitchen, finishing up dinner. Dan's original plan of a grand, loud party had taken a turn for the somber. After the events of the day, he felt like something a little less exuberant was called for. He'd found an old martial arts film for them to watch; a Dimension A twist on Jackie Chan's film style. Dan had meant to look up the man himself and see what had become of him—Bruce Lee as well—but he'd never gotten around to it. He didn't recognize the actor on the cover of the film, but it was apparently a classic. Connor would certainly appreciate it, and Abby was a massive nerd for the genre.
Several knocks rang out from the front door. Dan blinked over to it, and glanced through the peep hole. Freya stood on his doorstep, with a slightly downcast Connor at her side. Their hands were clasped tight. Both were still in uniform. Their squad car was parked on his curb which... okay. Just another thing for his neighbors to gossip about. He supposed the two officers would return the car after they left?